10 Tricks Against Snoring

Among the natural remedies to prevent snoring, in addition to infusions, you can find a balm based on olive oil and rue that helps to decongest the airways.
10 tricks against snoring

Snoring is a problem that affects both the snorer and the person who may be in the same bed or close by, as this very uncomfortable sound usually interrupts sleep. Snoring happens when there is a small obstruction that makes it difficult for air to pass through the back of the mouth and nose.

Also, it can be a symptom of the disorder called sleep apnea, in which a person may stop breathing partially or completely for several seconds while sleeping.

Although snoring is not considered a health problem, the fact is that it can interrupt sleep and be a sign that something is not going well in the body.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor if you suffer from frequent chronic snoring. For all other cases, there are different natural ways to fight them and improve sleep quality.

What are the causes of snoring?

Snoring can be a product of excessive alcohol consumption, overweight or obesity, colds or respiratory allergies.

Furthermore, it can be a cause of nasal congestion, the final stage of pregnancy, nose deformities or septum deviation, among others.

How to treat snoring?

There are a number of natural remedies and tricks that help to combat annoying snoring. Pay close attention and put them into practice.

Avoid alcohol and tranquilizers

Avoid alcohol consumption to reduce snoring

Excessive consumption of alcohol, like that of tranquilizers, causes the central nervous system to depress and the muscles in the diaphragm and jaw to relax;  which increases the risk of snoring.

Fighting overweight and obesity

If you are overweight or obese, it is best to start looking for a healthy diet, exercise, and other weight loss methods.

This factor is one of the factors that most influence the production of snoring, as it makes breathing difficult as it puts pressure on the airways.

Fight Allergies


People who suffer from respiratory allergies also tend to snore more, which is why it is recommended to fight them with a decongestant or an antihistamine.

Furthermore, it  is recommended to avoid the accumulation of dust on furniture, rugs and curtains, as this makes the problem worse.

sleep on the side

Several studies have revealed that people who sleep on their back tend to snore more, for this reason it is recommended to sleep on their side.

To get used to this posture, a good trick is to put some rolled up socks or tennis balls on the bed, in such a way that when we lie down on our back we feel uncomfortable and go back to our side.

Choose a taller pillow

Put one or two higher pillows, it makes the passage of air through the nose and the good one better; in fact, it can decrease snoring.



An old trick is to cut an onion in half and sprinkle a good amount of salt on it. Once this is done, place it on a plate near the head of the bed and leave it until the next day.

Saline solution

Saline solutions allow you to unclog nasal congestion, which prevents you from opening your mouth and generating snoring.

Simply mix half a tablespoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda into a cup of room temperature water.

When ready, apply a few drops in the nasal passages.

Nettle Infusion

Nettle infusion is one of the good remedies to prevent snoring. Just mix a spoonful of dried nettle leaves into a cup of boiling water.

Then let it stand for 10 minutes covered and drink it before bed.

Salvia Infusion


Salvia is ideal for combating different types of respiratory problems, including snoring. To use it, just prepare an infusion of sage, mixing several leaves of this plant in a cup of boiling water.

Finally, let it rest for 10 minutes, strain and drink it before bed.

olive oil and rue

This remedy consists of mixing a glass of olive oil with 50 grams of rue in an airtight container.

Leave the preparation to marinate for two weeks, strain and apply to the nostrils and neck. What is left of the mixture, store in a dark container.

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