10 Tricks To Keep Your Hands Beautiful And Young

The hands have the thinnest and most delicate skin and are almost always exposed to sun, cold, wind and dust.
10 Tricks to Keep Your Hands Beautiful and Young

First of all, we use our hands for everything and, thus, the delicate skin that covers them absorbs chemical substances present in detergents, cleaning and personal care products, for example.

Taking into account all these “challenges” faced by our hands, in this article we will talk about some habits that can keep the skin on hands younger and beautiful for longer.

1. Hand hygiene

person washing the skin of hands

We use our hands to handle money, open doors in public places, including restrooms, hold handrails on public transport, as well as to come into contact with various surfaces, exposed to all kinds of impurities.

In addition, we also use them to clean our eyes, put food in our mouths, touch other people, and prepare meals. Therefore, keeping hands and nails clean and well cared for is essential.

Thus, for hand hygiene, use a mild soap that cleans without drying out. There are many soaps based on moisturizers and essential oils that clean without damaging, keeping your hands soft and hydrated.

2. Use a moisturizing cream

Like many parts of the body, your hands need constant hydration so they don’t dry out and damage your cells. In any case, always use a moisturizer with sun protection to protect your skin from radiation. In cold weather, if necessary, wear gloves so as not to dry out the skin and thus keep it warm.

And since our hands need constant hydration, always carry a moisturizer in your bag for day-to-day use.

3. Housework gloves

Person wearing gloves to protect the skin of the hands

Detergents and other cleaning products, such as bleach and washing powder, for example, are aggressive to the skin, which can cause problems.

Avoid mistreating the skin, so use gloves when washing dishes, mopping the floor, washing clothes or cleaning the house.

4. Avoid using hot water

Hot water should be avoided as it wears out the skin’s natural oils, drying it out and making it flabby. The ideal is to wash your hands with cold water to stimulate circulation and close your pores.

5. Do a regular exfoliation

Dead cells accumulated in the hands increase the risk of appearing dark spots and areas. So, to remove these impurities, it is recommended to use an exfoliant, preferably natural.

In this article, we share several recipes for natural exfoliants. Also, a well-known exfoliant is one that mixes sugar and honey, moisturizing and cleansing at the same time. You can also use oatmeal and plain yogurt for more sensitive skin.

6. Nail care

Nails are highly valued by women, who love a thousand and one nail polish colors to make them more beautiful.

But you can just clean your nails, cut them and file them, if you don’t want to remove the cuticles, which are a natural protection. Avoid biting your nails and, in addition, let them “rest” from the nail polish from time to time.

7. refreshing mask

Check out this simple recipe for a refreshing hand mask:

Puree a baked potato and mix with a little olive oil. While still warm, apply on hands, leave to act for 15 minutes and then rinse well with water.

8. Recipe to strengthen hands and nails

In order to reduce the impact of free radicals on your hands and nails, strengthen them with this easy natural treatment:


  • 10ml of castor oil
  • 100ml of olive oil
  • Lemon juice

Method of preparation:

  • First, mix the oil and olive oil in a pan and bring to low heat;
  • Let it cool a little and add the lemon juice;
  • Put the mixture in a container and then soak your hands for 10 or 15 minutes.

Perform this treatment at night and carefully rinse your hands, as lemon, in contact with the sun, can burn the skin, causing blemishes.

9. Recipe to tone the skin on the hands (lifting effect)

Egg white is pure protein and so, when combined with cornstarch, provides elasticity to the delicate skin of your hands. Thus, check the recipe:


  • 1 egg white beaten in a snow point
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil (without fragrance)

How to make:

  • Mix all ingredients and apply to the skin of your hands. Leave on for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse with warm water and mild soap, then use a good moisturizer with sunscreen to finish the treatment;
  • Repeat at least twice a week.

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