12 Foods To Strengthen Liver Function

Improving liver function is easy if we include the right foods in the diet and leave out everything that can harm us, such as cigarettes and alcohol.
12 foods to strengthen liver function

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body,  and our health is highly dependent on good liver function. 

The body eliminates toxins through it, and it also filters the blood, preventing harmful substances from affecting other systems.

This article will tell us  what are the best foods to strengthen liver function.

the importance of the liver

strengthen liver-function

We underestimate the role of the liver and think “it’s one more organ” alongside the lung, stomach or heart. However, their task is almost as important as providing oxygen or pumping blood.

The liver takes on the pains of  eliminating toxins that build up in the body.  

This means that, thanks to it, our bodies are cleaner. The problem is the overload of the liver function: when the body needs to excrete a lot of “garbage”, it becomes saturated and fails to fulfill its role.

This results in various illnesses and symptoms.

In turn, the liver is responsible for producing bile, a second way of detoxifying the body and metabolizing fat and protein from the foods we eat.

If this organ does not function properly, the body is unable to clean itself  or absorb nutrients.  

The eyes, brain, heart and kidneys depend on the liver to function. Blood needs it to excrete alcohol and medications.

It is essential for destroying diseased red blood cells, breaking down hemoglobin and insulin, as well as for storing minerals and vitamins.

Now you understand why we say it is the most important organ in the human body!

Foods to improve liver function

Maintaining a healthy diet is ideal for the liver to work less and be more efficient at removing toxins and metabolizing fat.

The first symptoms of a sick or weakened liver are:

  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Bad breath
  • Fatigue
  • Allergies
  • food intolerances

To avoid these diseases or disorders, we recommend that you consume the following foods:



It has many beneficial components. Among them, sulfur, which activates liver enzymes and speeds up the process of removing toxins.

It also provides allicin and selenium: nutrients that protect the liver and aid in the detox process.


Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Both compounds are needed to clean the liver.

This fruit also stimulates enzyme production and aids in liver function as it  speeds up the burning of fats rather than storing them .


It is one of the foods that improve the liver’s tasks thanks to its high levels of an amino acid called arginine.

This component helps to release ammonia from the body, whose toxicity causes neurological problems such as confusion and fatigue.

cruciferous vegetables

This family consists of vegetables such as broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage, among others.

They are potent liver detoxifiers because they  contain chemicals that help us neutralize toxins.

For example, smokers are advised to consume cruciferous vegetables to excrete the nitrosamines found in cigarette smoke.

Green tea


The properties of this perfect antioxidant infusion are well known. It has the ability to  remove fat that accumulates in the liver  and therefore optimize liver function.

Green tea is perfect for weight loss and for preventing damage from toxins.


In addition to being rich and abundant in water, tomatoes have a powerful liver detoxifier called glutathione.

It also gives us lycopene, which protects us against the development of skin, breast, lung or liver cancer.


Arugula, spinach and chard (among others) are vegetables that cannot be missing from our diet.

They provide many “cleaners” components that neutralize the action of heavy metals  that damage the liver, stimulate the creation of bile, and eliminate pesticides and herbicides used on crops.

Other “less conventional” vegetables are mustard, chicory and beetroot (leaves).


There are many properties in this citrus and therefore it cannot be missing at home. Among its advantages, we can highlight the fact that it  purifies the liver and promotes detoxification of this organ.

In addition, lemons consumed fasting with boiled water stimulate bile production and bowel movement and cleanse the stomach and colon.


This delicious fruit promotes liver health as it protects you from the toxic overload of food.

Eating an avocado a week can repair this organ when it is damaged. Consume it as a substitute for mayonnaise or as a starter!



A very characteristic spice for its flavor and aroma. It is the liver’s “favorite” as it helps it detoxify and causes its enzymes to drain cancer cells.

Feel free to spice up your salads, pastas, soups or creams with a good dose of turmeric.


This oilseed contains a good dose of arginine, glutathione and omega 3 fatty acids (the latter considered “good fats”).

Nuts detoxify the liver from diseases caused by ammonia,  oxygenate the blood and improve liver function.


Beetroot is a powerful blood purifier  and has the ability to absorb the heavy metals we get from food or the air.

If you eat carrot and beet salad (both raw) you are doubling the properties of this vegetable, as they both provide beta-carotene and flavonoids, among other healing nutrients.

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