14 Foods That Rejuvenate

Green tea protects the skin and body against aging. We must stop bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol, and avoid too much sun.
14 rejuvenating foods

As everyone knows, it is impossible to avoid the passing of years, but care for the body is in each one; so it looks healthy both inside and out. For this, remember that your mood reflects on your appearance, as well as the foods we eat have a great influence on that.

There are different natural foods that the body needs to fight the aging process and slow it down;  in addition to having smooth, youthful, wrinkle-free skin.

Some of these foods are very economical and you may even consume them normally. However, the idea is that you include them in your daily diet.

Foods that help with rejuvenation

Olive oil

Olive oil

Nowadays it is natural to use olive oil in the kitchen, thanks to its lower price on the market compared to the past.

The olive brings a lot of benefits, especially in relation to the care of the heart and arteries, helping to lower blood pressure.

It also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer and keeps your skin hydrated and healthy.


Cherry is one of the foods to rejuvenate

Cherry contains phytochemicals that bring antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  What makes it an anti-aging fruit, as it prevents arthritis and arthrosis.
Cherry is also recommended for heart disease as it clears fat from the arteries.

Green leafy vegetables to rejuvenate

Celery, kale, broccoli, lettuce and parsley are some of the vegetables with the greatest source of antioxidants, which are responsible for combating the effects of free radicals; main causes of cell aging.

In addition, these vegetables are ideal for relieving urinary infections, digestive problems, anemia and toothache.


Avocado to rejuvenate

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are experts in fighting bad cholesterol.

Now talking about the skin, thanks to its excellent source of vitamin E, avocados help keep the skin smooth. It is very common to use this food in masks, especially for hair and face.

the garlic

Garlic in the diet to rejuvenate

Garlic is recommended for fighting heart disease and preventing cancer. It also balances cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation.


Oats are an important food to lose weight and fat thanks to its soluble fiber content, which reduces appetite. Oats are also a source of phytic acid that can reduce the risk of cancer.


Strawberries help to rejuvenate

Fruits such as strawberries, blackberries and raspberries have a high content of antioxidants, as well as working as analgesics and anti-inflammatory. These fruits also maintain cardiovascular health.


Lentils help to rejuvenate

These grains help keep your bones strong, they are a source of iron, which keeps your muscles in shape. Lentils also help with intestinal transit and its consumption is recommended for those on a diet, as it produces a feeling of satiety.


Ginger to rejuvenate

This root is perfect for controlling digestion and improves blood circulation, relieves rheumatic pain and is excellent for fighting diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and the flu.


Salmon is a great food to rejuvenate

Salmon is rich in omega 3, which brings valuable nutrients to the body. D the same way, has antioxidants that are responsible for regenerating and hydrating the skin.

Green tea

green tea to rejuvenate

Green tea is mainly favorable for the heart. Like most of the above products, this drink contains antioxidants, ideal for fighting aging and protecting the skin.

Likewise, green tea is used to lose weight, as it increases basal metabolism and favors the nervous system, preventing diseases such as Alzheimer’s. You can apply green tea to the skin to treat burns.


Tomatoes help to rejuvenate

The consumption of tomatoes protects the body from UV light, preventing sunburn, it is also important when taking care of the skin, thanks to the lycopene present in its composition; which also prevents the appearance of wrinkles.


Linseed to rejuvenate

Flaxseed is rich in fiber and antioxidants, in addition to being a source of Omega 3, which helps reduce cholesterol and increase energy.

On the other hand, flaxseed is recommended to fight constipation and obesity.


Honey to rejuvenate

Honey, in addition to having antioxidant properties, moisturizes and softens the skin, is ideal for treating burns and scratches, helps to heal and prevent infections in skin wounds.

Remember if

It is important to include these foods in daily meals and reinforce the sleeping process for the necessary hours, as well as avoid the consumption of tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Also, drink water constantly and don’t expose yourself too much to UV rays.

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