3 Delicious, Easy-to-prepare Vegan Appetizers

Regardless of whether you follow this philosophy of life or not, these recipes will provide new ideas for making vegan snacks that are very nutritious and healthy.
3 delicious, easy-to-prepare vegan appetizers

If you’re going to host guests who follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and want to surprise them, or if you’re looking for healthy options to eat between meals, you’ll love these vegan appetizers.

They are made with healthy and nutritious ingredients that will give you plenty of energy throughout the day.

3 easy-to-prepare vegan appetizers

1. Avocado and almond cream

Avocado and almond cream
Avocado provides essential nutrients and allows you to prepare a nourishing and refreshing cream.

It is a good source of vegetable proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. 

we propose to combine it with almonds, rich in protein, fiber and phytosterols to reduce cholesterol levels.


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • ½ cup of almonds (70 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (15 ml)
  • salt
  • smoked paprika


  • First, soak the almonds for 1 hour or overnight.
  • Then drain the almonds and beat them with ½ cup of water.
  • Strain and beat the liquid, without the pulp, with the avocados.
  • Add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and smoked paprika to taste.
  • This cream can be served as a starter, as a sauce, or for dipping French fries and raw vegetables. Also, you can season it with other spices of your choice.
  • Almond pulp can be used in the preparation of sweets or to thicken stews.

2. Lentil hummus

lentil hummus
Create multiple versions of this traditional dish using different legumes such as lentils.

we propose to use lentils instead of chickpeas. with any legume.

those who don’t like them very much provide a good portion of protein and vegetable fiber. 


  • 2 cups of cooked lentils (400 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of tahini or roasted sesame paste (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Cumin powder
  • fresh parsley
  • Black pepper
  • salt


  • To start, place the lentils, tahini, lemon juice, garlic and oil in a blender or food processor. Beat well until you get a very fine texture.
  • Then season with salt and cumin to taste. It is better to add a little and add these ingredients according to the taste.
  • Then serve on a flat plate and garnish with fresh parsley and a drizzle of olive oil. You can also add some paprika to add a splash of color.
  • Hummus is excellent as an aperitif, and is usually accompanied by Arabic bread.

3. Basil gazpacho

basil gazpacho
Take advantage of the properties of basil to make a refreshing and nutritious dish.

provides us with lots of vitamins and minerals This traditional Spanish dish

a different touch with fresh basil In addition to being very aromatic, this herb is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

it can also be served as an aperitif at any time of day, for warmer days.


  • 6 very ripe tomatoes
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 small red pepper
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (45 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 bunch of fresh basil leaves
  • salt


  • First, cut the tomato, cucumber and pepper into pieces.
  • To prepare this gazpacho, just beat all the ingredients for at least 1 minute, or until no lumps remain.
  • Then refrigerate it to serve it very cold.
  • If you like, you can decorate with some basil leaves.

They are a simple and enjoyable way to take care of yourself and enrich your diet.

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