3 Diets To Maintain Your Weight

If you are thinking about eating a healthy diet with a balanced weight, you need to know some essential information.
3 Diets to Maintain Your Weight

Many people decide to turn their lives around, adopting strict diets and exercise, in search of a better physical appearance. All with the aim of maintaining the proper weight.

Sometimes we make the mistake of speeding up the process, thinking that this way we can get the weight we want. This carelessness brings with it an accordion effect, which makes us quickly regain the lost pounds.

The unwanted result comes especially when we follow diets that restrict the consumption of certain foods, promising quick weight loss in a few weeks. What is the consequence? Metabolism becomes sluggish, which makes it difficult to process those foods we are not used to consuming.

That’s why, in this article, we’ll talk about some diets you can adopt to stay healthy. However, remember that, when in doubt, it is best to seek expert opinion. He will be able to draw up a plan made especially for you.

3 diets to keep your weight balanced

1. Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet Foods to Help Maintain Weight

One of the recommendations given by experts to keep your weight balanced is to follow a nutrient-rich, Mediterranean-style diet. It consists of 50% carbohydrates, 35% fats and lipids and 15% proteins.

Includes foods such as:

  • Tropical fruits
  • Dry fruits
  • vegetables
  • Fish
  • white meat
  • Pastas
  • Rice

Each meal should consist of one or two servings of fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. Among the recommended foods are pasta, rice, couscous, etc.

Likewise, seeds, herbs, spices or dairy products should be consumed, but in moderation. Finally, once or twice a week, it is recommended to eat lean meats, fish, seafood, eggs, potatoes and sweets.

a healthy lifestyle

This dietary pattern was included by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), on November 16, 2010, in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. That’s because it promotes the healthy lifestyle of countries like Spain, Italy and Greece.

A study at Harvard University determined that this form of balanced nutrition provides the body with the energy it needs. Thus, it helps to burn 20% of daily calories naturally.

2. Vegan diet is rich in nutrients

Those who maintain a vegan diet do not consume animal foods. In fact, taking the time to do this type of nutrition will get rid of high cholesterol levels while providing fiber to the body.

To start a vegan diet, it is essential to have a large amount of fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is essential that you are willing to experiment with new food options.

3. Vegetarian diet

Unlike the previous diet, in this diet you can include animal products such as milk, eggs, cheese, butter and yogurt. With the nutrients obtained by consuming them, you will be able to eliminate toxins. Another positive effect is the progressive increase in energy levels.

Although you can include foods of animal origin, with the exception of red meat, the idea is that the mainstay of food is vegetables. All that is needed is care to meet all the nutrition requirements. During the diet, you may witness significant changes in your well-being.

Including vegetables in the diet helps maintain weight

This includes reaching and maintaining your ideal weight. To do so, it is necessary to have some type of assistance that can outline clear goals.

Other tips to keep your weight balanced

To maintain your ideal weight, it is necessary to combine your diet with other types of actions that will allow you to reach the goal you want. And most importantly: to maintain a healthy weight for the long term. Watch.

Do exercise

To maintain a balanced weight, it is necessary that the diet is balanced and accompanied by an active life, full of exercise. This prevents your body from gaining weight again. Spend at least 60 minutes exercising.

Engaging in physical activity helps maintain weight

Be careful not to skip any meal

In order to have healthy eating habits, it is necessary to obtain the nutrients present in the three main meals of the day. Especially during breakfast, because it represents between 20 and 25% of the calories we need each day.

It’s also best to have dinner three hours before bed. Also avoid consuming heavy foods at night.

Sweeten your life from time to time

monitor your weight

Keep up-to-date on your weight and the calories you consume for each meal. Recording how many pounds you have gained or lost will help you gain control of your body.

Choosing the right diet to maintain a proper weight is a decision only you can make. Follow these tips to ensure your well-being, improve every day and don’t forget to reward yourself for the small goals achieved during the process.

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