3 Solutions To Fight Bruxism At Home

Nowadays, the pace of life has significantly accelerated, and with it more problems have arisen. It is recommended to release stress and adopt healthy habits.
3 solutions to fight bruxism at home

Bruxism is one of the persistent mandibular function that we know more commonly as teeth grinding. It can be produced during the day or at night. The most frequent is the one that presents itself at night, which is why it is more difficult to control.

People who suffer from bruxism strongly squeeze the upper teeth with the lower ones and move them back to front and vice versa, most of the time unconsciously, producing wear of the dental parts.

Its main trigger is located on the psychological plane, although the repercussions extend to the dental level.

Causes of bruxism

As it is more of a psychological condition than a physical one,  we see its origin in an emotional state as common as stress. There are also other possible causes that point to such a problem:

  • Anxiety
  • bad sleep habits
  • incorrect posture
  • Have your teeth misaligned


The biggest problem with this condition is that, when exerting a lot of pressure on the jaw, it can trigger bigger problems, such as affecting the nerves and even the mandibular bone. If you suffer from this disorder you may notice symptoms such as:

  • Muscle sensitivity.
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet things.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Jaw pain and inflammation
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Earache
  • Headache

In many cases, people who suffer from this type of problem have no symptoms, they find out after routine examinations of the teeth. On certain occasions, if people sleep together, the other person can notice the sound and comment.

Nowadays, there are many factors that make the days bad, such as a fight with a family member, with a partner, problems at work or excessive workload. These kinds of circumstances lead to stress, anxiety, low self-esteem,  annoyance and others.

It’s amazing how everything is connected in us, including our emotions. Therefore,  we must be very careful when we have very strong negative feelings,  because not only can we suffer from bruxism, there is also the possibility of suffering a heart attack.



In addition to breathing deeply, counting to ten, and positively aligning the body and emotions, we must consider certain physical recommendations:

  • Sleep the recommended hours
  • Drink a lot of water 
  • Perform orthodontics to align teeth
  • Avoid hard foods and sweets
  • Perform relaxation exercises that help reduce patient stress
  • Apply ice or warm cloths to the area where the pain is located
  • Massage the affected area

All of this can help reduce symptoms, but we must be aware that  if we do not remove all the negative charge from our lives, no treatment can help us  effectively.

If you feel the need to attend psychological therapy, you should do so and discharge yourself in a positive way. Stay away from hate, resentment, anguish and people who are toxic to your life. This will help a lot to have a more peaceful and healthier life.

Luckily there is also natural medicine that helps the body to relax and will be of great help.

3 natural solutions to relieve bruxism

1. Valerian

Valerian root  has a great sedative effect to control anxiety and sleep disorders. Therefore, it will help a lot to relax and get rid of tension.


  • 1 spoon of valerian (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Warm the water and, when it is boiling, add the valerian and let it brew for two minutes.
  • After that time, remove from heat and strain the preparation.
  • It is recommended to take it overnight, 30 minutes before bedtime.

2. Chamomile


It is used to treat muscle pain, but also for menstrual disorders, tensions, headaches, anxiety, stress and nerves. It relaxes tense muscles and offers its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Boil the water, add the chamomile and let it brew for 5 minutes.
  • It is recommended to take it in the morning, when you get up, and at night, before going to sleep.

3. Lavender

Known as one of the most effective natural muscle relaxants. Thus, it will be of great help in  relaxing the tense muscles of the neck and jaw.


  • 5 lavender flowers
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Heat the water and, when it boils, add the lavender flowers.
  • Remove from heat and let stand.
  • It is recommended to take twice a day, between meals.
  • Lavender oil is also excellent for massaging the affected area.

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