4 Basic Tricks To Treat Dry Skin

Taking a hot shower or spending too much time underwater are two bad habits that, instead of favoring the skin, harm it and make it more vulnerable. 
4 Basic Tricks to Treat Dry Skin

Dry skin is the product of multiple factors. Often, a combination of bad habits, such as taking a shower with very hot water, taking a shower several times a day, not properly hydrated, not using adequate products, and so on.

While these actions seem to have no impact, the truth is they do. And while dry skin doesn’t seem like a problem at first, over time, tension, itchiness, and discomfort begin to affect the quality of life.

It must be remembered that the skin  is the most extensive organ in the body  and is responsible for fulfilling many primary functions, such as regulating temperature and protecting the internal organs from external factors. Also, the skin can indicate if something is not right in health.

Therefore, keeping your skin well cared for and hydrated  should not only be a priority when it comes to looking good, but also for maintaining your body’s health.

Dry Skin Care

In general, to take care of dry skin it is not necessary to resort to extraordinary measures. Instead,  we should pay attention to all these harmful little habits  when it comes to providing health benefits.

Next, we’ll tell you what are some of the basics you should keep in mind if you have dry skin.

1. Drink enough water

Drinking enough water can help treat dry skin

Yes, maintaining good hydration is essential for the skin to perform its functions correctly and look healthy. This is one of the reasons  doctors recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

Many people believe that it is enough to use moisturizing creams, from an external point of view. The truth is that it is best to combine ‘external’ and ‘internal’ hydration.

Attention! Do not fall into extremes. Excessive water consumption (hyperhydration) is also harmful to the body.

2. Adjust the water temperature

Many people take hot baths every day because they like it more. However, this is one of the worst habits for skin health as it  destroys its natural protective barriers.

In addition, bathing often also  alters the production of this natural fat, so essential for skin protection.

So, bathing in excess and with hot water can cause dryness of the skin and, according to each person, more complications in the medium and long term. In this regard,  the following should be considered:

  • You need to adjust the water temperature: neither too cold nor too hot.
  • Avoid spending too much time underwater.
  • In general, it is recommended to shower only once a day. However, this can vary depending on the person.
  • After a sport activity, you will have to shower.
  • Soap the feet and armpits well.
  • Use neutral soaps, preferably unscented.
  • Use soaps suitable for intimate areas.
  • After showering, apply a moisturizing cream, lotion or oil.

3. Shave properly

Shaving with a razor can make the skin even drier. As you remove unwanted hair, natural oils are also removed.

To prevent this from happening,  try to shave after showering. At this point, the hair becomes softer and more flexible and therefore easier to remove. Be sure to use a shaving cream or foam.

When finished, it is  recommended to apply a moisturizing lotion to promote skin hydration. You can also use coconut oil, which has moisturizing properties.

4. Use sunscreen

Using sunscreen can help treat dry skin

Lack of daily sun protection can be one of the causes of dry skin, roughness, wrinkles, etc. However, damage can be avoided by  applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or 50) year-round. Even on cloudy days or during winter in general.

  • To avoid dry and chapped lips in winter, use a lip balm with sun protection 15.
  • In summer, wear light, loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts when out in the sun and a wide-brimmed hat (about 2 inches) to keep the sun from affecting your neck, ears, and eyes.

Remember if

With regard to skin care, it is best to implement small measures that, when repeated daily, have a great positive impact. Also, it’s important not to wait for her to be in a bad state to act. 

If dry skin does not improve with these basic cares, consult your dermatologist to assess the case and tell you what to do.

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