4 “Curious” Advice That Will Allow You To Sleep Better

Did you know that a very effective remedy for falling asleep is taking a foot out of the sheets? This helps us regulate our body temperature and relaxes us.

Many people have some level of difficulty falling asleep and getting a real night’s rest. In this group, there are many who use different alternatives to try to sleep better, as a good night’s sleep is essential for the body to perform its vital functions and for us to be able to face the day with energy.

Insomnia sufferers have probably tried everything from natural remedies such as drinking hot tea or milk before bed and reading a good book, to using specific medications for this purpose.

Taking sleep medications is not recommended, as over time we will gradually lose our ability to fall asleep without it; because the organism gets used to the use. So we need to try to understand what is causing insomnia and change this behavior; besides betting on natural treatments that can help.

In addition to the known recommendations, some recent studies have found evidence that other behaviors and factors can also help us sleep better. Next, we’ll talk about 4 of them, explaining their importance in giving us the good night’s sleep we dream of.

Have you ever noticed how much more difficult it is to sleep well on hot summer days than on colder winter days? Several studies carried out in this area have proven that the ideal temperature for deep sleep is between 15 and 20°C. When it gets past 20°C, we start having a little trouble sleeping.

For this reason, we should try, whenever possible, to maintain a slightly lower temperature in the room. We can do this using air conditioning; making the room cooler with a fan or keeping the window open for better ventilation.

Avoid sleeping in a completely enclosed environment, which tends to get much hotter at night. Also, wear light clothing and cover yourself with a thin cover, such as a sheet, avoiding blankets and comforters that will certainly make you feel hot.

Also read: The dangers of wearing too tight clothing

It may seem like a strange tip, but some studies have shown it to be well-founded. In fact, many of us do this naturally at night; Have you ever noticed how we sometimes wake up with one foot, or even both, out of the sheet?

The explanation behind this advice is related to body temperature. When we sleep, our body naturally reduces its temperature by about 2 degrees. However, this still doesn’t happen while we’re trying to sleep, and the higher body temperature makes it more difficult for sleep to come.

The feet are the best regulators of body temperature, so taking one out of the covers allows you to reduce the temperature a bit, helping you to relax and fall asleep more easily.

Also read: 6 relaxation exercises for peaceful sleep

We’ve talked about the benefits of sleeping on the left side of the body before, but did you know that this simple behavior can also help us fight insomnia?

The stomach and pancreas are on the left side of the body, so sleeping in this position facilitates digestion by channeling gastric juices and digestive enzymes. The lymphatic system is also benefited, since by sleeping on that side, we make the processes of drainage, detoxification and oxygenation easier.

With the body functioning properly, it is much easier to relax, fall asleep and rest more deeply.

Nowadays it is very common to use a cell phone or notebook until it is time to close your eyes, and many people even sleep with their cell phone in bed, always within reach. This behavior can be very detrimental to sleep.

Studies show that exposing the body to so many artificial electrical impulses can cause insomnia, tiredness, lack of concentration and alteration in our natural biological clock. So, for better sleep, turn off all electronic devices about two hours before bedtime.

If you have difficulty sleeping, also avoid lying in bed watching television at night; lie down on it only when you’re actually going to sleep. Try taking a warm, relaxing bath and also keep the room in a lower light. That way, it will definitely be much easier to fall asleep.

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