4 Homemade Solutions To Fight Gingivitis

Good dental hygiene is the key to fighting gingivitis. However, if you have any symptoms, you can protect your gums with some natural ingredients like sea salt or coconut oil.
4 homemade solutions to fight gingivitis

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums, the swelling of the pink-colored tissue that surrounds the tooth. As a result, this area bleeds when eating harsh foods or brushing your teeth. However, there are homemade solutions to fight gingivitis in a simple way.

gum inflammation 

Gingivitis usually arises due to the presence of bacteria due to poor oral hygiene , which results in the formation of dental plaque or tartar in the mouth and, if care is not taken, there is a risk of erosion of the gingival tissue, and even bone wear of the jaw.

On the other hand, there are factors that contribute to gum disease and gingivitis. Among these causes are stress, poor diet, smoking, hormonal changes, or even the use of braces. It can also occur in cases of pregnancy, scurvy, leukemia, or vitamin deficiency .

Home solutions to fight gingivitis 

As you can see, periodontal disease is a serious condition that requires immediate attention and treatment. For that, in Melhor com Saúde, we present 4 homemade solutions to fight gingivitis.

1. Salt water 

Salt to fight gingivitis

Salt has antibacterial properties. In fact, it has been used since ancient times to clean wounds and even rinse the mouth. Salt alters the pH in the mouth, and therefore does not allow bacteria to reproduce . In addition, salt water does not irritate the mucous membranes, so it is generally a very common and effective homemade solution to combat gingivitis in patients suffering from this disease.


  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (15 g)
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml)

Preparation and application 

  • Add sea salt in half a glass of water and stir until mixture is smooth.
  • Once done, rinse with mouthwash for two minutes and spit out . Do the same procedure until you run out of solution and repeat two or three times a day.

2. Baking soda: a great ally to fight gingivitis

Baking soda is a powerful substance that helps neutralize acids found in the mouth . In fact, it is one of the simplest homemade solutions to fight gingivitis. You can buy a baking soda paste and replace the toothpaste you use regularly. You can also prepare the mix we share below.


  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (4 g)
  • 3 drops of olive oil

Preparation and application 

  • In a bowl mix the baking soda with the olive oil until it forms a homogeneous paste.
  • When the paste is ready, apply it to a toothbrush and gently massage your gums. Then let the mixture act for two minutes and rinse with warm water .

Note: Baking soda can be very aggressive to teeth . Therefore, it is recommended to use it together with olive oil and from time to time. You can use it two or three times a week.

3. Coconut oil 

Coconut oil to fight gingivitis

In addition to promoting oral health, coconut oil has amazing antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial properties. At the same time, it helps to prevent harmful microorganisms from spreading and surviving . For this reason, coconut oil is one of the perfect homemade solutions to fight gingivitis.


  • 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (4 g)

Preparation and application 

  • In a bowl mix coconut oil with baking soda to create a thick paste.
  • Put the coconut paste and baking soda on your toothbrush and gently massage your gums. This will serve to apply the remedy to the affected areas.
  • After brushing for at least 5 minutes, discard the residue and place it on the paper. Wash with warm water. Don’t throw the rest down the drain as the oil solidifies and can clog the facility.

4. Propolis 

According to some researches, propolis is a substance with excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing properties . In fact, due to its effectiveness, its use is recommended in cases of gingivitis, thrush, periodontitis and even oral abscesses.


  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon of propolis (2.5 ml)

Preparation and application 

  • Mix the propolis with the glass of water and rinse the mouth with the liquid for a few minutes.

Note: You can directly apply the propolis with an eyedropper to the gum and allow as much time as possible. After that, you can rinse your mouth with warm water.

Other measures to fight gingivitis

  • Brush your teeth properly , at least three times a day.
  • Also, properly floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Also, use antibacterial mouthwashes .
  • Schedule a dental cleaning with the specialist.
  • Finally, clean dental and orthodontic appliances thoroughly.


Firstly, we must highlight that gingivitis is a disease that develops due to poor oral hygiene. Therefore, we recommend that you brush your teeth properly and floss . Also, it is important to visit the dentist for cleaning; preferably twice a year.

However, in order to apply the above homemade solutions to fight gingivitis, it is not necessary to be in this situation. Feel free to occasionally rinse your mouth to strengthen your dental hygiene routine.


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