4 Ingredients That Will Help You Get Your Abs Into Shape Quickly

Celery, pineapple, parsley, and cucumber are high fiber ingredients, are also low in calories and have a diuretic effect.
4 Ingredients That Will Help You Get Your Abdomen In Shape Fast

To show off a flat and beautiful abdomen it is advisable to follow a number of tips, including incorporating these four ingredients into your diet that will undoubtedly help you get your abs in shape very quickly. Try it!

Well, the four ingredients that will make your abdomen look so much better are: pineapple, broccoli, cucumber and celery. They all combine into a delicious, very effective detox shake. To do this, you will need:

    • 1 celery stalk
    • 1 medium cucumber
    • A 250 ml glass full of chopped parsley
    • 3 slices of fresh pineapple

The first thing you will have to do is wash the vegetables and pineapple, which have to be peeled. Put everything in a blender and blend until you get a smooth mixture. Do not add ingredients such as salt, pepper, sugar, and their substitutes to the beverage.

Recommendations for drinking this juice

To ensure its effectiveness you should drink this pineapple and vegetable juice for the first 15 minutes after its preparation to avoid losing its properties.

It is best to take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Don’t hesitate to combine this drink with exercise and a healthy diet, because that’s how you’ll notice results during the first week. You’ll see for yourself that your abdomen will reduce its size remarkably in just seven days.

Benefits of this drink

You are probably wondering why this drink is so powerful and has so many benefits so quickly. Well, you must keep in mind that its ingredients are a perfect blend.


Celery juice makes the abdomen in shape

First, we find celery which is a product with low calorie content: 100g only contains 16 kcal. It is a high fiber food. Precisely, it is this fiber that sticks to the stomach and that makes us feel full.

Also, we should keep in mind that, according to researchers, something as simple as increasing the amount of fiber in the diet is one of the most important components that will allow us to lose weight.

We recommend that you read: 7 changes you will notice in your body when following the celery diet for 20 days


As with celery, cucumbers also contain fiber and have the same nutritional value, so they are low in calories. Cucumbers contain 95% water, so they will make you consume the recommended 2 liters of liquid a day to achieve weight loss.


Parsley juice makes the abdomen in shape

Parsley, for its part, is another very healthy product. Keep in mind that it is a food that contains a lot of fiber: 3.3 g for every 100 grams of the product.

In turn, we should know that the same amount of cucumber and celery contain 0.5 g and 1.6 g, respectively. To all this, we must add that parsley has a mild natural diuretic effect.

Also Read: This lemon and parsley syrup will help you fight kidney stones


With regard to pineapple, 100 grams of this fruit contain 1g of insoluble fiber, while its nutritional value is 50 kcal. In addition, pineapple improves the taste of the drink and is a diuretic, which will help when it comes to eliminating liquids.

The best time to eat them and other options to burn fat

woman with love handles

As we’ve said, it ‘s best to consume these types of shakes on an empty stomach. It is also advisable to take them once a day, although this may vary depending on your weight loss needs. If your goal is to burn calories, make a note of this preparation.


  • Pear
  • Kiwi
  • Pomegranate
  • orange or lemon juice


Wash all ingredients, remove seeds, and cut into pieces the fruit to add to a blender, blend with water or add orange juice, until you get a uniform mixture, serve and enjoy.

This simple tap has a powerful diuretic effect, thanks to its high fiber content. Also, it is a very powerful drink if you are looking to naturally lower blood pressure, cleanse the blood, and lower cholesterol.

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