4 Natural Treatments For Eye Pain

Do you feel pain in your eyes and don’t know how to relieve it? There are some naturally occurring treatments that help to treat this problem. We share some options you can try at home below.
4 natural treatments for eye pain

Eye pain can have many causes. Spending excessive time in front of the computer, coming into contact with soap while taking a shower, or developing an infection such as conjunctivitis can trigger this problem.

If you do not want to resort to the usual solutions and prefer to look for something more natural, find out below some alternatives to relieve eye pain.

Eye Pain Treatments

We want to recommend that you review your habits, as the time you spend in front of the computer may be causing this pain in your eyes. This is explained in more detail in the article Computer Vision Syndrome: When the tool turns into an enemy.

1. Hot compresses

This first treatment for eye pain is very effective in calming this symptom in cases of conjunctivitis. Just dip a compress in hot water and apply it for a few minutes to the eyes.

Although chamomile is not highly recommended because pistils can penetrate the eyes and aggravate the infection, if you prepare an infusion of chamomile and strain it well, you can use this preparation to wet the dressing. Remember to be very careful. To avoid problems, it is best to just moisten the compress with hot water.

2. Tea bags in the eyes

Relieve eye pain
Applying tea bags to the eyes helps to relax the area, reducing irritation and pain. They can help in case of allergy or conjunctivitis.

Another treatment for eye pain is to apply a tea bag over them. You can choose chamomile or green tea. However, as we have already mentioned, be careful with chamomile.

If you only have chamomile, you can put gauze over your eyes before putting on the bag. Thus, it will protect the eye region as much as possible and prevent the entry of any elements. Leave the bag over your eyes for about ten minutes. This will allow:

  • Relax your eyes : if the eye pain is due to working long hours in front of the computer.
  • Relieve conjunctivitis: If we get this infection, these bags will greatly alleviate the symptoms.
  • Improve allergy : If your eyes water because you are allergic to pollen, for example, the bags can help reduce the problem.

3. Caesalpinia

Caesalpinia belongs to the legume family. These are flowers that help improve eye conditions. Use the decoction of your flowers and apply them to your eyes very carefully.

To prepare this remedy for eye pain, do the following:

  • Bring water to a boil and add the leaves.
  • Soon after, when the water reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • After that time, strain the mixture very well. Dip a cotton in the preparation and wash your eyes with it. If you moisten a small gauze or bandage, you can put it in your eyes for a few minutes.

4. Cold compresses

At first, we saw the importance of using warm compresses on the eye area. However, cold compresses can also be used to relieve and improve eye pain. For this, it is important to follow these tips:

  • Soak a compress in cold water and drain it well before putting it in the eyes.
  • If using an infusion, let it cool before soaking the compress and applying it to the eyes.
  • Once the infusion has cooled, you can also put it in the fridge to later apply it to your eyes with a much fresher touch.
cold compresses for eyes
Cold compresses are relaxing and also help to improve circulation. Therefore, they reduce eye pain in case of irritation or allergies.

These cold compresses can also be moistened with infusion water as indicated above. Choose hot or cold compresses based on what works best for pain relief.

Prevent eye pain

As we indicated at the beginning, we should review our habits to avoid eye pain. If you work in front of your computer, for example, you should take frequent breaks, walk around and take your eyes off the screen for a few minutes from time to time.

Also, if you wear contact lenses, it’s important to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes to avoid getting eye infections. Also, avoiding scratching or touching them constantly will help prevent eye pain.

Do you suffer from constant eye problems? Have you had eye pain recently? We hope this article helps to prevent and alleviate this symptom.

As we always recommend, a medical consultation is essential, as only the professional will know how to indicate the appropriate treatment for your specific case.

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