4 Recipes To Detoxify The Kidneys

To detoxify the kidneys, in addition to consuming these juices, it is essential to adopt a healthy and balanced diet, in addition to practicing some physical activity to stay healthy.
4 Recipes to Detoxify Your Kidneys

The kidneys are the most important organs in the entire urinary system. That’s why it’s very important to keep them healthy. Today we bring you a series of recipes that can help detoxify your kidneys.

The kidneys are responsible for the production of urine through filtration, reabsorption and secretion of water, salts and ions.

This same function makes these organs highly exposed to the toxins present in our daily lives. Some of the factors that can accumulate toxins in the body are:

  • Bad eating habits
  • Excessive consumption of medications
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption

If there is no concern that the kidneys are clean properly,  they can form kidney stones  due to excess substances such as calcium.

To avoid these problems, it might be a good idea to drink some natural juices. They can help your kidneys to release impurities and contain no chemicals.

Discover the recipes to detoxify your kidneys. You will find they are delicious and very easy to incorporate into your diet.

1. Watermelon and lemon

Watermelon and lemon juice can help detoxify the kidneys

Watermelon is 92% water, which makes it exceptional for cleaning the kidneys and for reducing and eliminating small kidney stones.

This fruit is also rich in potassium. This mineral can help dissolve kidney stones and allow waste to easily pass through the urinary tract.

Combined with lemon, which is an excellent fruit for expelling toxins, it makes an excellent juice to detoxify the kidneys.

Also,  this juice is delicious and perfect for a hot day.


  • One cup of chopped watermelon (220 g)
  • 1 lemon

Method of preparation

  1. First, place the chopped watermelon without the seeds in a blender.
  2. Then add the peeled and seedless lemon to the blender along with the watermelon.
  3. Beat everything and you’re done.

In this recipe, it is not necessary to add water, as the watermelon already has enough, and because it can change the flavor.

If you want a cold drink, add ice or put the watermelon to freeze a few hours before preparation. This way, you will have a very cold juice without the need to add ice.

2. Carrot and cucumber

Carrots and cucumbers make a great combination for the kidneys. Together,  these two vegetables help to eliminate excess uric acid thanks to their alkaline and diuretic properties.

In addition, they help detoxify the kidneys and provide the body with a great deal of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins A and C.

The kidneys are responsible for filtering and purifying the blood. If they are sick and cannot clean the blood properly, various symptoms will appear in the body. Im of them are skin problems like acne.

In this way, this juice can not only help to detoxify the kidneys from impurities but also to have healthy skin.


  • a big carrot
  • 1 big cucumber
  • Half a cup of water (125 ml)

Method of preparation

  1. First, peel the carrots and cucumbers and chop them to make them easier to blend in the blender.
  2. Then, blend everything into the blender with water.
  3. Finally, sift the juice to remove the cucumber seeds and you’re done.

Enjoy this recipe to help detoxify your kidneys!

3. Radish, red cabbage and celery

A radish, red cabbage and celery juice can help detoxify the kidneys.

Radish is a vegetable that can provide great benefits for the liver and gallbladder. In addition, it can help the kidneys to eliminate toxins thanks to its diuretic properties.

In this way, these three vegetables help protect the body from infection. They also have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • One cup of peeled and chopped radish (115 g)
  • 1 celery stalk 
  • One cup of red cabbage (80 g)
  • Half a cup of water (125 ml)

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Then sift to remove any pieces and consume.

4. Apple and celery juice

Celery is a vegetable that has diuretic properties. Therefore, it can be a great ally when it comes to detoxifying your kidneys.

In this case, we will combine it with the  apple, an excellent fruit for alleviating kidney disease. It has important digestive properties, in addition to being rich in potassium. This nutrient, as already mentioned, can help strengthen the kidneys.

We’re sure you’ll love this juice and you’ll want to add it to your diet just for its great taste.


  • 1 bunch of celery, including leaves and stalk
  • 3 whole apples
  • Half a cup of water (125 ml)

Method of preparation

  1. First, chop the celery into slices and place in a blender.
  2. Then chop the apples with the skin and remove the seeds.
  3. Then, blend all ingredients in a blender.
  4. Finally, strain the juice and serve in a glass with ice. If you like, you can add mint leaves.

Choose to detoxify your kidneys naturally

These juices have great benefits besides detoxifying the kidneys. However, they won’t be of much help if you don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The kidneys, like the rest of the body, need a lot of nutrients, so a diet high in frying and fat is not a good option.

Also, you must remember that these juices  are a good boost to healthy eating and not a substitute for it. Don’t over-consume them, or use them as a substitute for a good meal. Anything in excess is not beneficial.

Finally, remember that these juices are a complement or a preventive measure, but in no case a treatment. If you have kidney stones, see a doctor.

Main image: Courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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