40 Amazing Medicinal Benefits Of Basil

Although it is best known on a culinary or aromatic level, basil has great medicinal properties that are worth knowing in order to take full advantage of its benefits.
40 Amazing Medicinal Benefits of Basil

Discover 40 amazing benefits of basil in this article. We can consume it as a natural remedy to treat digestive, nervous and immunological problems, as well as for beauty treatments or to lose weight.

Basil is famous for its aromatic qualities, which are the delight of many cooks. With its potent and characteristic smell, this plant is ideal for seasoning pasta dishes, pizza, appetizers, salads, etc. However, its leaves hide a great deal of healing virtues.

the basil


Basil ( Ocimum basilicum ) is an aromatic, culinary and medicinal plant  originating from some Asian countries such as India, Pakistan or Iran.  It is cultivated in tropical lands and is very sensitive to cold. In different cultures they have given it various symbolic meanings, positive and negative.

At the culinary level, basil is usually used, mainly, raw. In this way, it maintains its aroma and its appearance in its maximum splendor. It goes very well with other fine herbs such as thyme or rosemary. You can accompany all types of recipes: meat, fish, vegetables, creams, soups, cheeses, eggs, gazpachos, etc. In addition, the famous pesto sauce is made with basil.

Basil can be consumed with food or, if we want to carry out a complete treatment, with supplements. We can find it in the form of capsules, pills or extract, and we can even prepare our own infusions from the fresh or dried plant at home.

If we want to keep it, we must know that it will only stay in the fridge for a few days. It is preferable to  store it in a pot with a pinch of salt and covered with olive oil. This way, it will always be ready to be consumed.

Medicinal properties and benefits of basil

Below we highlight 40 benefits of basil, classified in different scopes.

for the digestive system

Basil is an aromatic medicinal plant that  favors good digestion and prevents and calms some disorders:

  • Improves heavy digestions.
  • Prevents gas and flatulence.
  • Prevents bad breath.
  • Fight vomiting.
  • Stimulates appetite.

for the nervous system

This medicinal plant can improve some imbalances related to the nervous system:

  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Its relaxing effects reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Soothes the nerves in the stomach.
  • Combat insomnia.
  • It may be beneficial for treating mild depression.
  • Reduces physical and mental fatigue.

for the immune system

basil leaves

Some properties of basil make it a  good medicine to raise defenses:

  • It favors the elimination of toxins and cleanses the blood.
  • Prevents flu and colds thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Reduces fever.
  • It has antifungal properties to prevent the proliferation of fungi.
  • It is a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Soothes some pain, such as headache, teeth or menstruation.
  • Fights the cough.
  • Prevents intestinal parasites.
  • It is very effective in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases: pharyngitis, asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Relieves constipation.

To cleanse the body and lose weight

Basil cannot be lacking in any cleansing or healthy slimming diet:

  • It has properties that fight fluid retention.
  • It produces a satiating effect that helps us eat less without going hungry.
  • It is a good remedy to avoid anxiety caused by overeating, that is, emotional hunger.
  • Helps to eliminate kidney stones.
  • Its stimulating virtues allow us to overcome fatigue and increase our caloric expenditure.
  • Fights abdominal bloating.

beauty remedy

face with acne

Among its most unknown uses are the benefits for skin and hair:

  • It has  antioxidant properties, so it prevents premature aging.
  • Fights hair loss and strengthens the hair structure.
  • Reduces acne.
  • Favors good wound healing.
  • Whitens teeth.

Other properties

Finally, basil still surprises us with these health properties:

  • Improves circulation and cardiovascular health. It reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
  • Boosts memory and mental abilities.
  • Regulates blood sugar and prevents diabetes and insulin resistance.
  • Increases the release of milk in women during breastfeeding.
  • Prevents vertigo.
  • Reduces mouth sores.
  • It is a natural mosquito repellent.
  • Improves eyesight.

Thanks to its 40 benefits, basil is  a very healthy food that we should consume every day. 

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