5 Carminative Remedies To Treat Gas

Carminative remedies will allow us to alleviate the discomfort caused by gas and help eliminate it. We can take them as a preventative or as a regular remedy to prevent them from developing.
5 carminative remedies to treat gas

Bowel gas is a common problem that affects many people. It is an upset stomach that can cause intense pain, so it is advisable to use natural products to relieve these diseases.

Carminative plants are the appropriate response in these cases. That’s why we bring you 5 carminative remedies for stomach gas that you can easily prepare.

What are carminative plants?

A carminative plant is one that has properties to eliminate any type of gas in the intestinal tract, as well as in the colon region. Its function in the human body is mainly to facilitate the development of body gases, releasing tension and maintaining a stable stomach health.

What are gases and what are the causes?

Gas or flatulence is the air that gathers in the intestine and exits through the rectum. These differ from burping, which come out through the mouth. Its formation takes place as food is consumed and the digestion process takes place.

It is possible that gas is the cause of colic, in the same way that it can stimulate diarrhea and other stomach disorders.

One of the main reasons that causes the creation of gas is irritable bowel syndrome. Sensitivity to some food is also particularly important in their formation, as well as allergy to a particular group of foods.

5 carminative remedies to relieve gas

Being a frequent problem, natural products are one of the most convenient solutions to effectively fight them. Some of the natural remedies you can prepare are:

1. Chamomile and ginger tea

Chamomile tea is the main natural remedy that we probably have within reach at home to alleviate the intestinal condition when there is a lot of gas. If you add ginger, the combination becomes more effective.


  • 1/2 teaspoon of chamomile (7 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water

What to do?

  • Heat the water and, when it boils, add the ginger (previously grated) and chamomile.
  • Let it infuse for a few minutes, strain and consume in small sips.

2. Green tea with cinnamon

Green tea has numerous gas neutralizing properties. Also, when you combine it with a carminative product like cinnamon, its effect will be more immediate and you will feel relief right after drinking the substance.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 bag of green tea
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon powder (7 g)

What to do?

  • If you don’t have powdered cinnamon, you can use it on branches.
  • As with the previous infusion, you should only add the cinnamon together with the green tea to boiling water, in order to achieve a concentrated mixture.
Chamomile and ginger tea helps treat gas

3. Mint and turmeric tea

Intensity and odors are the protagonists of this tea. Thanks to its properties, we will be able to effectively combat gases that lodge in the stomach or intestine.


  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of mint leaves (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder (5 g)

What should I do?

  • Place the mint leaves in boiling water. Allow the water to concentrate the properties for a few minutes and then add the turmeric to add color and flavor to the infusion.
  • You can take this hot or cold tea several times a day to increase the odds of stomach relief.

4. Lemon juice

The properties of lemon are known and its applications are immensely varied, in multiple aspects of everyday life. Gas is no exception, as the consumption of lemon juice can be an effective relief for intestinal flatulence.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)

What to do?

  • Squeeze the juice of a lemon, add it to half a cup of water, mix well and consume.
  • Take it in small sips so its bitterness is not uncomfortable on the palate.

5. Star anise infusion

Another of the traditional remedies that we have at home and which serves to relieve gas is usually star anise. The properties of this natural product are aimed at restoring the intestinal flora, as well as favoring the release of gases.

Woman with abdominal pain due to gas


  • 5 star anise seeds
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • As in the preparation of a traditional tea, just take the star anise and add it to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let it infuse for 5 minutes and let it rest for another 7.
  • After the indicated time, drink slowly to prolong the feeling of elimination of gas.

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