5 Curious Benefits Of Drinking Water You Didn’t Know

Drinking water is a simple habit that can help us improve our skin’s elasticity, moisturizing it from the inside and thus allowing us to keep it younger for longer. 
5 Curious Benefits of Drinking Water You Didn't Know

Do you know the benefits of drinking water? 60% of our body is made up of water. For this reason, tissues and organs need this fluid for their correct functioning.

Therefore, we need to drink water for the body to fulfill its functions : transporting nutrients to the cells, lubricating the joints, eliminating toxins, balancing the body temperature, facilitating the digestive processes, moisturizing the skin, etc.

Drinking water, at least two liters a day, is the simplest and most effective way to prevent many diseases. Discover in this article some of the most curious benefits of drinking water.

Main benefits of drinking water

1. Regulates blood pressure

Blood pressure

Few people know the benefits of drinking water to lower blood pressure when it gets too high often.

The more hydrated our body is, the less rigid the blood vessels will be  and, therefore, the less predisposed they will be to raise blood pressure.

Keeping the body hydrated reduces high blood pressure and the risks arising from decompensated blood pressure, such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Leakage
  • Cardiac insufficiency
  • even death

Therefore, drinking eight glasses of water throughout the day should be almost an obligation to ourselves, for the sake of our health.

2. Reduces appetite

When we drink water before each meal, we reduce our appetite. The water quenches the desire to eat and gives the feeling of having a full stomach.

Also, in many cases we think we are hungry, but what we actually have is thirst. Therefore, one of the best methods to lose weight and stay in shape is to drink water.

To make drinking water more effective, we must take into account the following general pattern:

  • 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach.
  • 3 glasses in the morning.
  • 3 glasses in the course of the afternoon.

3. Minimizes the risk of having a heart attack

man having heart attack

The density of blood and blood plasma is related to the risk of myocardial infarction.

Greater blood viscosity also increases your chances of having a heart attack. A b o health of our heart is accompanied by adequate hydration.

If we have a genetic predisposition to suffer from cardiovascular disease, we should propose to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. In addition, there are other habits that reduce your chances of having a heart attack:

  • Play sports
  • Quit smoking
  • Controlling Cholesterol Levels
  • Maintain a proper weight

4. Eliminates headaches

Dehydration can cause headaches, especially if we lose a lot of fluid after vomiting or if we have a buildup of toxins in our body.

It is important to drink water in small sips as soon as the headache appears, and not stop until we notice an improvement.

It is also advisable to drink the water at room temperature. If the water is cold, it can contribute to migraines.

  • However, cold water itself can have a use as a topical application. To reduce headaches, we can put cold water bags on the forehead.
  • Even in the case of a very high fever, we can shower with ice water and then wrap ourselves well to increase sweating.

5. Improves skin problems

beautiful and healthy skin

Another of the benefits of drinking water is related to the appearance of the skin. There is a significant improvement in the skin when we drink a good amount of water for several months. Remember that  by drinking water, a lot of toxins and impurities are eliminated from the skin.

This natural drainage that water provides, by purifying our body’s cells, also helps to improve acne.

A well-hydrated skin has more flexibility, more luminosity, less oiliness, and stays younger and brighter. The skin is not only hydrated from the outside with creams and cosmetics, it is essential to provide it with water from the inside. And this is achieved by drinking a lot of water.

We should also highlight the benefits of hydrotherapy, which involves applying water to our body at different temperatures.

By combining hot and cold water, we can activate circulation and improve the skin’s appearance and health.

In this way, we get a natural and very economical treatment to have beautiful skin. One of the best benefits of drinking water!

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