5 Drinks To Avoid And Their Healthy Alternatives

The constant consumption of carbonated drinks can trigger kidney, heart and liver diseases. To sweeten your teas, opt for stevia, which is much sweeter than sugar and has no calories.

Are you familiar with the effects of sugary, light , fizzy, stimulant or artificial juice drinks ?  There are people who consume them daily, but do not know their long-term health damage. Know 5 drinks to avoid.

We’ll explain why we should avoid them and offer some natural and healthy alternatives to get the same results without harming our bodies.

Drinks we should avoid: sugary ones

White sugar does not bring us any nutrients and many nutritionists consider it a poison.

White sugar contains so-called empty calories, which in addition to contributing to overweight, are a risk factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, which can also damage teeth.

In addition, white sugar acidifies the blood and removes minerals such as calcium from the body, which makes teeth and bones weaker and weaker.

We will present some healthy alternatives to white sugar:

  • Brown sugar
  • brown sugar
  • Bee’s honey
  • sugar cane honey
  • Maple syrup
  • agave syrup
  • Cereal molasses (rice, barley, etc.)
  • Natural fruit syrups (apple, pear, etc.)

Drinks to avoid:  light

Drinks light can be even more harmful than those containing sugar, since they have sweeteners that, in most cases, is the aspartame potentially carcinogenic.

Although they contain fewer calories, these drinks are not a healthy option.

The best alternative we have found is stevia, a plant with many medicinal properties that sweetens much more than sugar and contains no calories.

It has a special flavor, similar to licorice, which goes very well with herbal infusions.

If for you it’s the other way around and the flavor seems too strong to use as a sweetener, choose refined stevia, because even though it doesn’t have medicinal properties, it also doesn’t contain components harmful to health.


A very simple, light and delicious option is a lemonade with stevia. Beat a lemon cut into pieces in a blender with fresh water, then strain and finally add the stevia to taste.

If desired, also add a little mint or fennel.

Drinks to avoid: sparkling

The habitual consumption of carbonated drinks increases the risk of suffering cardiovascular disease, according to a study carried out by Boston University in the United States.

For this reason, especially those who suffer from heart problems or have risk factors or a family history should avoid them.

In the long term, the habitual consumption of these beverages can cause chronic diseases in the kidneys, heart or liver, in addition to the increasingly common metabolic syndrome, which covers all types of dysfunctions such as cholesterol, hypertension, high triglycerides, etc.

artificial juices

The juices we buy ready-made are not a healthy option for everyday life. If consumption is not usual, they can even be a good alternative to sugary drinks, light or carbonated , but we should not get used to taking them every day.

The fruits that are used are of low quality, preservatives are added and, in many cases, sugar as well.

Only by tasting these juices, we can see the difference with a natural juice, which shows that the preparation process is very different.

Although we  prefer, preferably, chilled and squeezed juices, not concentrated and, if possible, organic and sugar-free, the healthiest option is to prepare our own natural juices.

This is the most vitamin and remineralizing option, and we can prepare the juices in a blender or juicer. We can also try combinations with mint, ginger, cinnamon, etc.


Drinks to avoid: stimulants

Cola and guarana drinks contain stimulant substances that, if consumed regularly,  can alter our biorhythms and nervous system.

It is especially important that children do not consume them, especially if they are prone to hyperactivity or attention deficit, and also people who are nervous or suffer from insomnia.

Other points are coffee and tea, which although they contain theine, also have beneficial properties for health. In this case, it is better not to abuse them, and that people who suffer from insomnia or states of nervousness avoid them, especially from midday onwards.

Even though it’s hard to believe, the best stimulant drinks are natural juices, to which we can add supplements like:

  • Pollen
  • brewer’s yeast
  • Wheat germ
  • Honey
  • Peruvian Maca
  • Spirulina
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon

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