5 Exercises To Stay In Shape On The Go

Even though it may be difficult at first to perform these exercises, over time we will gain resistance and we will be able to increase repetitions to obtain a greater benefit.
5 exercises to stay in shape on the go

The practice of regular exercise is one of the healthy habits that help to keep the body and weight in optimal condition.

It should be complemented with other healthy habits, especially with regard to food. Dedicating several minutes a day helps to prevent the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. 

In the beginning it is difficult to incorporate the exercises into the routine, but little by little, the energy level increases, as well as the performance and strength.

For this reason, it’s time to let go of the excuses and, in a short time, start exercising your whole body to get in shape.

Are you excited?

1.  Burpees

Geckos to keep in shape

The  burpees  are a type of exercise that can be performed in the convenience of your home or any free space.

These work most of the muscle groups in the body  and, on the other hand, activate the metabolism to burn fat.

How to make?

  • Stand up straight, with your spine straight and your legs together.
  • Lower yourself into a squatting position and rest your arms flat on the floor.
  • Perform a slight backward jump so that your legs are straight, as if you were going to do push-ups.
  • Do a push-up, bending your arms and lowering your spine fully straight.
  • With a short jump, return to the squatting position and then jump as high as you can, stretching your legs and arms.
  • Perform 8 to 10 reps.

2. High flexions

Elevated push-ups are primarily intended to strengthen and tone the upper body; in addition, since they are physically demanding, they also  help to activate metabolism and reduce abdominal fat.

How to make?

  • Lie on your stomach, resting your toes on a raised surface (a step or stool).
  • Separate your arms from your torso and support yourself on the floor with your hands.
  • Pushing your arms up, lift your body up while keeping your spine straight.
  • Use abdominal strength at the same time, hold for a few seconds and lower slowly.
  • Try to complete between 10 to 12 reps.

3. Squats

woman keeping fit

Without a doubt, squats are exercises that cannot be missing from every routine to keep in shape.

These work the entire lower area of ​​the body,  especially the muscles in the thighs and glutes.

How to make?

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-length apart and looking straight ahead.
  • Slowly lower your buttocks, bending your knees and keeping your spine straight.
  • Make sure you don’t let your knees go past the balls of your toes and gradually return to the starting position.
  • If you like, supplement them with a barbell or weights to increase their intensity.
  • Perform between 15 to 20 reps, and do 3 to 4 sets.

4. Abdominals in “V”

Abdominal exercises are a great addition to toning the belly and slimming the waist.

In this article, we propose to perform V-shaped crunches, which strengthen both the upper and lower abdomen.

How to make?

  • Lie on your back on a mat or mat, with your legs together and stretched out.
  • Stretch your arms above your head and then lift your torso to do the sit-up.
  • The legs and arms are elevated so that the body forms a V.
  • Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position.
  • As you do the sit-ups, remember to take a deep breath.
  • Do between 10 and 15 reps.

5. Jump kicks

Squat to keep in shape

Kicks, also known as  “lunges”,  help to strengthen the legs, glutes and abdomen.

Combined with jumps, they increase physical demand and,  by improving energy expenditure, help burn fat more easily. 

How to make?

  • Place your body in the normal kicking position, with one knee bent forward and the other leg straight back.
  • Take off and jump so that when you land your legs are swapped.
  • That is, after doing the jump, the front leg goes back and the back goes forward.
  • Do between 15 to 20 reps.

As you can see, it’s very easy to start exercising without needing to be an expert on the subject.

All you need to do is spend twenty or thirty minutes a day to bring the benefits of these activities to your body.

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