5 Healthy Snacks That Help Treat Depression

Did you know that your diet is also crucial when it comes to fighting depression? Including healthy snacks in your daily life will improve your mood.
5 Healthy Snacks That Help Treat Depression

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that  depression is a very common mental disorder worldwide.

Its main characteristics are the presence of sadness, feelings of guilt or lack of self-esteem. There is also loss of interest or pleasure, sleep or appetite disturbances, concentration deficits and a feeling of tiredness.

In addition, WHO notes that depression can become chronic or recurrent. This makes it very difficult for the person who suffers to perform the different activities performed, as well as their ability to face everyday life.

No one is exempt from suffering from this mental disorder  because we are all exposed to the stress and anxiety that occur in our respective work environments and personal environments.

alarming numbers

woman with depression and sadness

WHO says depression affects more than 300 million people worldwide. Between 2005 and 2015 cases increased by more than 18%.

Furthermore, it also indicates that this disease can lead to a serious health problem. Above all, when it goes on for a long time and intensifies moderately or severely.

In more pronounced cases, it can lead to suicide. Every year, nearly 80,000 people take their own lives. In addition, this action is the second leading cause of death in the age group between 15 and 29 years of age, according to WHO data.


The WHO stipulates that although effective treatments exist to combat depression, unfortunately half of those affected worldwide do not receive them.

One of the main obstacles to getting effective care is the scarcity of resources and health specialists trained to deliver it. This is linked, in turn, to the culturally existing stigmatization of mental disorders and inaccurate clinical diagnoses.

People who suffer from depression are often misdiagnosed. The reverse is also true for individuals who do not suffer from this disease and are misdiagnosed and unnecessarily treated with antidepressants.

That’s why we’ll introduce you to a series of healthy snacks that can help you treat depression.

However, you need to remember the following:  always consult your doctor about the best options for treating this condition.

5 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Treat Depression

1. Oats

Sugar levels in our bloodstream may have something to do with depression. Fortunately, there are foods that help balance glucose in your body, soothe your nervous system, and optimize your emotional well-being.

This is where oats play a key role. Thanks to its soluble fiber content, it  will help to calm your digestive system  and will help prevent the decrease of sugar levels in your body. Something that can help you avoid sudden changes in your mood.

In addition, this whole grain also  provides your body with vitamins B1, B6 and B5. These nutrients can help you preserve your emotional stability by influencing the production of brain chemicals that affect mood.

  • To take advantage of its benefits, you can use oats in your different presentations. For example, a fruit salad accompanied by toasted oats.

2. Healthy Snacks: Nuts

Healthy Snacks to Treat Depression

Nuts or other nuts are also one of the most recommended healthy snacks as an adjunct in the treatment of depression.

They contain omega 3 fatty acids, essential elements for the proper functioning of our brain. It has been shown that low levels of omega 3 can be one of the reasons that cause depression. Thus, they  can help us to have a good mood and promote the well-being of the cardiovascular system.

Likewise, consuming nuts regularly will help you focus and keep your brain active. Also, over time, it can prevent cognitive deterioration.

3. Chocolate

Dark chocolate, rich in cocoa,  contains antioxidant molecules that will help you stop the action of free radicals.

Likewise, its consumption is a stimulant for obtaining serotonin in the brain, a substance that improves mood and reduces cortisol.

4. Banana

Bananas are rich in magnesium. People who suffer from stress, depression or anxiety are greatly benefited by the consumption of this fruit by increasing their levels of this mineral in the body.

5. apple

woman with depression

Apples are a source of antioxidants that help the brain function properly. They also contribute to the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which will allow us to contemplate life positively.

Foods not recommended for healthy snacks

If you have been diagnosed with depression or suspected of suffering from it, in addition to focusing on healthy snacks, you  should avoid or reduce the consumption of the following foods:

  • Too much coffee and tea
  • Greasy food
  • Foods with refined sugar
  • Soft drinks and alcohol
  • Foods with artificial sweeteners

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