5 Juices And Drinks To Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels

Did you know that parsley can help us lower cholesterol? It also helps to lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure and, as a vasodilator, improve circulation.
5 Juices and Drinks to Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a lipid that our bodies need in certain amounts to work properly. However, the sedentary lifestyle and poor diet lead to an inadequate increase in bad cholesterol levels.

Which brings, as a consequence, serious health problems, thus increasing the risk of suffering from heart disease, cerebrovascular accidents, among other conditions.

Cholesterol is present in almost all of our bodies, mainly in the nervous system, skin, muscles, liver, intestines and heart.

In turn, this is divided into two categories that allow us to verify if we are in the presence of “bad” cholesterol or “good” cholesterol, LDL or HDL, respectively.

Bad cholesterol is a product of a diet rich in fried foods, sweets, artificial products, fats or sausages, among others. The good one, HDL, is the one that captures the bad cholesterol from the blood and takes it to the liver to be eliminated.

That’s why it’s good, as it works to eliminate excess bad cholesterol from the body.

If your doctor determines that your bad cholesterol levels are high after the last few tests, it may be time to consider some juice and drink tips that can help control this problem and reduce the likelihood of future problems.

Juices and Drinks to Fight Bad Cholesterol Levels

Apple juice, parsley and spinach

parsley infusion

This powerful juice is ideal for reducing cholesterol levels and eliminating fat simply and quickly.


  • 4 apples
  • 1 cup of raw spinach leaves (30 g)
  • 1 handful of parsley

How to make?

Wash and prepare all ingredients, then place in a blender and blend for a minute or so. Strain and drink a glass of juice every day.

Cabbage and garlic juice

Both cabbage and garlic are known for their multiple health benefits  and their body-cleansing abilities. This powerful juice will help eliminate excess fat and cholesterol that can affect your health.


  • ½ medium cabbage
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • ½ glass of water (120 ml)

How to make?

Grind the garlic well and then place it in a blender along with the previously washed and chopped cabbage. Add water and beat all ingredients.

Consume a glass of this juice daily until your cholesterol level drops. Do not extend the consumption of this juice for too long, as cabbage can weaken the thyroid glands when consumed in excess.

Strawberry and citrus juice

strawberry beat

This delicious juice, in addition to its delicious flavor and fighting bad cholesterol levels, also has properties that strengthen our immune system and even help us lose weight. 


  • 1 cup of strawberries (100 g)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 kiwi

How to make?

Extract the juice from the oranges, wash and peel the kiwi and prepare the strawberries. Then place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a few minutes. Take daily for two weeks.

Carrot juice, parsley and spinach

Carrot Juice

Green juices are the most recommended to maintain health in every way and avoid problems with cholesterol.

This powerful juice will also help you eliminate cholesterol and fat to improve your lifestyle and win the battle against this problem.


  • 4 pieces of carrot
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 2 spinach leaves

How to make?

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a few minutes. Take the mixture on an empty stomach and after each meal for 15 days straight.

Lemon, parsley and bicarbonate drink

This powerful drink is ideal for those who want to prevent or fight high levels of bad cholesterol, and generally improve their health significantly.


  • 2 liters of filtered water
  • 3 stalks of parsley
  • 3 lemons
  • Sodium bicarbonate

How to make?

  • Clean the lemon very well with baking soda so that the rind is disinfected. Then boil a good amount of water and, after boiling, let it cool a little.
  • While the water cools, cut the lemons into thin slices, chop the parsley and place everything in the water.
  • Cover the drink and let it stand for a day in the refrigerator. After time, mix and consume approximately 120 ml of the drink per day.

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