5 Mistakes We Made When Taking A Shower

Perhaps you’ve been curious, because there’s nothing more pleasurable, relaxing and hygienic than taking a nice shower in the morning or a bath with oils before bed.
5 mistakes we make when taking a shower

There is nothing more common than taking a shower. However, did you know that we often make mistakes without realizing it and that they are not good for us?

So what can we be doing wrong? Find out below!

1. Take a very hot shower

relaxing bath

We already know, few things are as pleasant as taking that hot bath when we get home to relax. But what happens when the temperature is very high and we are, for example, under the shower for 15 or 20 minutes?

  • You are in danger of getting out of the shower and experiencing  a thermal shock and passing out. 
  • Very hot water can remove some of our essential oils, those that the skin needs to stay soft and hydrated. What hot water does is open the pores, and this is the moment when we can suffer a little decompensation.
  • The ideal is not to spend too much time under hot water. Five or six minutes is enough. Afterwards, continue the bath with a warmer temperature. Water cannot burn you!

2. Be careful when drying yourself

There are those who, at the end of the bath, take the towel and dry themselves in a very energetic and vigorous way. If the towel is already rough, then we will be damaging our skin by doing this. This process gradually irritates the skin, making it drier.

The ideal is to use a soft towel that allows the skin to dry using very gentle circular movements, eliminating excess moisture, but always without rubbing. Bathrobes, for example, are really comfortable and adequate, as they keep us warm and the skin dries out almost without us realizing it.

3. Beware of towels

new towels

In certain cases the danger in towels is not just that they are rough and irritate our skin. Another of its risks is that it is an environment that is more than conducive to the cultivation of bacteria and germs. The reason? The moisture that tends to get between your fibers if they’re not completely dry.

It is not enough for the towel to smell good. There is the possibility that they are very old, already saturated with the chemicals in our soaps, which can cause minor allergic reactions in our skin. Therefore, the ideal is to be renewed from time to time to avoid unforeseen events and health problems.

4. The risk of using too much soap


It’s not the same to take a shower when we sweat a lot, after exercising, as if we just want to take that shower to start the day. That is, everything will depend on each person, but those who use soaps with excessive perfume, even if they smell very good, in many cases have  a high amount of alcohol and other chemicals that change the pH of the skin, whose role is to defend in a way natural against external agents such as mites, bacteria or other micro-organisms.

The most recommendable? Always use the ideal amount of soap mixed with water. And another point: if they are natural soaps, like the one in the image above, much better.

5. Beware of sponges


This data is curious and worth knowing. According to dermatologists, the most ideal and healthy for our skin would be to use sponges in our baths only twice a week and dry them with sunlight after they are used, to avoid colonization with fungi that can cause infections, mycoses or folliculitis.

  • The most practical is to apply the soap by hand and in the amount indicated above. Use a soap made naturally with glycerin and oats, which allows you to take care of your skin every day. Smear the soap over your body without using a sponge.
  • Also, and only two days a week, it is really useful to exfoliate with a suitable sponge, such as a vegetable sponge. In this way we eliminate dead cells and restore balance to our epidermis.

Always remember these simple details when taking a shower. They will be very useful!

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