5 Natural Remedies To Calm The Itch

Itching is an irritating sensation that can be caused by allergies, insect bites, and illness. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies available to alleviate discomfort without harming your skin.
5 Natural Remedies to Soothe Itching

To soothe itchy skin, it is essential to avoid scratching with your nails. Although this action can provide momentary relief, it sometimes prolongs the duration of the symptom or leaves an attack on the skin. How can we act correctly in this case?

First, the possible cause of the itching should be evaluated, preferably by consulting a doctor. The provider has the ability to determine if it is an allergy or the underlying symptom of other illnesses. Thereafter, he will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

We can also consider some natural remedies whose properties regulate the skin’s pH and reduce discomfort. Below, we’ll share 5 good options so you won’t hesitate to try them when this symptom affects you. Check out!

Natural Remedies to Soothe Itching

Itching is described as an irritating sensation, which can be accompanied by dryness, redness and inflammation, among others. 

Its most common causes include insect bites and allergies. However, it can also arise due to food intolerances, fungal infections, kidney diseases, contact with chemicals and other factors.

There are now a number of topical products that can help accelerate your relief almost immediately. However, we can also use some natural solutions that help to calm the itching. Do you want to meet them?

1. Colloidal oatmeal

colloidal oats
Colloidal oats are found in numerous presentations designed to control itching and inflammation.

Colloidal oats are not your typical breakfast oats. This product is oatmeal ground into a very fine powder, combats itching and reduces skin dryness.

How to use it?

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning that you can buy it at pharmacies or cosmetic stores.
  • After getting the product, add it to the bath water and stay in it for 20 minutes.
  • This treatment should be enough to calm the itching. However, if the symptom persists, the procedure can be repeated twice a day.

2. Aloe vera

Known for their application in dermatology, the aloe vera has soothing compounds that significantly reduce itching. It also deeply hydrates tissues and controls symptoms such as redness, flaking and burning.

How to use it?

  • First, extract a generous amount of aloe vera gel from the plant.
  • Then apply the product on the affected areas.
  • Repeat use 2 times a day until the symptom subsides.

3. Basil to calm itching

basil leaves
Eugenol, present in basil leaves, was used in ancient medicine for its calming effects.

Although this plant is popular for its culinary applications, it is important to know that it also has interesting uses in natural medicine. Thanks to its content of a chemical compound called eugenol, it reduces irritation

How to use it?

  • First, take two tablespoons of dried basil leaves and pour them into a pan of water.
  • Boil the contents for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • Afterwards, wait until it is warm or cold.
  • Smear the resulting water over the itchy areas using a cotton swab.
  • Repeat use up to 3 times a day, if deemed necessary.

4. Apple vinegar

For hundreds of years, apple cider vinegar has been an ally in accelerating the relief of many problems that affect the health of the skin. Thanks to its acetic acid content and antioxidant compounds, it  regulates pH and minimizes discomfort such as itching.

This is one of the best remedies when itching is caused by stings or burns, as it reduces inflammation and provides a feeling of quick relief. In addition, it acts as a natural disinfectant to prevent possible infections when the skin has been injured by scratching.

How to use it?

  • To start, combine equal parts of organic apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Then dip a cotton cloth or handkerchief into the preparation and apply it to the affected area.
  • Optionally, pour the vinegar into the bathtub water and take a shower for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment if deemed necessary.

5.  Witch Hazel to soothe the itch

Witch Hazel to soothe the itch
Witch hazel has a powerful calming effect that helps relieve itchiness.

The witch hazel substances that act as astringent when applied topically. For this reason,  the lotion or cream of this plant  can relieve itching, minimizing irritation and redness.

How to use it?

  • Buy  witch hazel at the pharmacy or boil the dried plant in water.
  • Afterwards, apply the product to the problem areas and let it act without rinsing.
  • If the symptom persists, repeat the application twice a day.

Are you one of those who itch when your skin burns? Avoid doing this from now on! Instead, try some of the remedies mentioned for a greater sense of relief.

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