5 Natural Solutions For Joint Stiffness

Joint stiffness is often related to one of the types of arthritis that anyone can develop during their lifetime.
5 natural solutions for stiff joints

In general, stiffness in the joints occurs during old age, but some people develop it at younger ages due to genetic reasons, surgical interventions, injuries or other factors.

There are an estimated 100 types of arthritis and related diseases,  including those that compromise the bones, muscles and tissues that support joints.

The main symptoms of stiffness in the joints are pain and stiffness, to the point that they can lead to an inability to move in patients.

However, they can also be accompanied by inflammation, hypersensitivity, redness and other signs that diminish the quality of life.

Although in most cases pharmacological treatments are prescribed to control stiffness, there are several  natural remedies that act as a complement to alleviate this type of pain and others related to these inflammations.

In this space we will share homemade solutions to deal with this type of disorder.

1. Celery to fight joint stiffness

Celery to fight joint stiffness

Celery is considered to be the main food for the diet and treatment of those people who have some kind of disease associated with inflammation.

Its diuretic properties favor the regulation of fluids in the body to de-inflame tissues and control the symptoms of arthritis.

Among other things, its consumption favors digestion, lowers blood pressure and can have a positive effect against cancer cells.

How to consume?

Easy! Celery can be included in a number of ways in the diet and some ideas include:

  • Natural juice.
  • Green vitamin.
  • Salads and soups.
  • Rice
  • Sandwiches.

2. Carrot for joint stiffness

This vegetable so consumed in the world can be a great complement to the previous herb. Carrot has a very powerful anti-inflammatory action that  protects the arteries and reduces pain.

In addition, it is a source of vitamin A, protects visual health and helps to maintain the skin’s good condition by curbing oxidative damage.

How to consume?

Due to its delicious flavor and versatility, there are hundreds of recipes incorporated almost daily in the diet. However, to fully enjoy its benefits, it is worth saying that it  is best to eat raw carrots.

Therefore, try to add it to:

  • Natural juices.
  • Salads.
  • Grated into soups (no cooking).

3. Ginger for joint stiffness

Ginger to fight joint stiffness


Ginger’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities can be used as an internal and external treatment to relieve joints.

Its daily consumption decreases pain and reduces inflammation caused by movement;  in addition, by applying ginger on the spot, it is possible to relax the affected area for a greater sense of relief.

How to consume?

This spice has a light spicy flavor that many add to their recipes for baking, soups, juices and other foods. However,  as a remedy it is better to consume ginger in tea or infusion.

To use it externally, immerse a cloth in the warm or hot infusion and apply to the affected area.

4. Bay leaf compresses

Applying compresses or a bay leaf poultice can reduce inflammation from the outside to provide relief and help with joint movement.

The properties of bay leaves reduce stiffness and relieve tension,  especially when there is a moment of crisis.

How to consume?

The compresses must be prepared from the infusion of the plant and with the help of an absorbent cotton.

What is necessary?

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g of bay leaves
  • 1 piece of cotton


  • Bring to boil a liter of water, when it comes to the boil, add the bay leaves and leave on low heat for an additional five minutes.
  • Remove the infusion from the heat, let it rest for 10 minutes and, when it is ready to apply, submerge the cotton and place it on the painful area for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this process several times a day, every day.

5. Turmeric for joint stiffness

Turmeric to fight joint stiffness

This wonderful spice is at the top of the natural anti-inflammatories, as it is also an antioxidant and analgesic.

Turmeric is proven to help patients with arthritis and other conditions that affect muscles and joints.

how to consume

To enjoy its qualities every day, you can add turmeric in various types of recipes. As the goal is to complement the treatment for stiffness and pain, there is no time limit for taking it,  whenever and wherever necessary, in moderate amounts.

enjoy it at:

  • Soups.
  • Salads.
  • Vitamins.
  • Tea and infusion.
  • Rice.

As a final recommendation, regardless of the case, remember that you should try to  move your joints with low-impact exercise.

Although it seems that physical activity increases pain, it is certain that it is one of the best therapies to control this type of disease. Do not forget!

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