5 Rare Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Cancer in young people is usually more aggressive. Therefore, early detection is essential
5 Rare Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Did you know that breast cancer can sometimes manifest itself through some rare symptoms? Find out what they are and be on the safe side!

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. It mainly affects women, but it can sometimes affect men as well.

The risk of suffering from this disease increases as a person ages. But detecting it in time significantly increases the chances of defeating it completely.

Data related to this disease revealed that the most common cases occur after 40 years of age. Which is why it is recommended to take exams periodically.

However, there are also reports of cases at earlier ages. These, unfortunately, tend to be more aggressive.

No matter how old a person is, early detection is essential for timely treatment.

For this reason, health experts recommend learning to identify the possible common and not-so-common symptoms that appear at each stage of the disease.

In this way, we will be able to identify it early and thus contribute to the diagnosis.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer include breast lumps, variation in the structure of the breast, changes in the skin or nipple, discharge of a smelly fluid, among others.

However, the American Cancer Society guarantees that there are some rare symptoms that should be carefully analyzed by a specialist.

That’s because, while they seem like common symptoms of other health problems, they can also be an indication of breast cancer.

Below are 5 of the rare symptoms of breast cancer.

5 Rare Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Itching, redness and pain

In the previous days and during the menstrual period, it is normal for the breasts to be sore, sensitive or to generate some kind of itching.

However, if these symptoms persist after this period, it is a cause for warning as they may be a symptom of breast cancer.

In general, these symptoms occur with inflammatory cancer, a type that produces swelling, itching, and pain in the chest, as well as more obvious symptoms such as scaly skin, small blue marks, or cellulite on the breast, among others.

In this case, it is important to act immediately, as it is a rapidly advancing type of cancer.

Back pain

We know that back pain is caused by many factors and we do not always relate it to breast cancer.

Experts say that patients diagnosed with breast cancer expressed pain in the upper back (between the shoulder blades) before experiencing any other symptoms of this disease.

It is very important to know that some cancerous tumors often develop deep in the breast tissue and can even be felt in the spine or ribs.

It can also be noticed when there is metastasis, which is the malignant spread of this disease.

Pain and tenderness in the armpits

rare symptoms

One of the first areas of the body that can indicate breast cancer is the armpits.

Several studies have found that axillary lymph nodes can indicate breast cancer in the same way that lymph nodes in the neck and throat indicate the flu.

Inflamed axillary lymph nodes, as well as pain, can be a rare and early symptom of breast cancer, appearing even long before it is felt in the breast.

The first thing a person should do is compare their underarms and determine if there is any abnormality or discomfort to the touch.

If there is any obvious difference, it is important to see your doctor. As with all cases, these symptoms do not always indicate that we have breast cancer.

Nipple secretion and changes

One of the areas of the breast where breast cancer is most evident is under the nipple.

The presence of cancer cells in breast tissue can change its appearance and sensitivity.

The nipple may also take on an unusual texture and feel softer. Another of the rare symptoms is the secretion of a liquid, blood or milk, which does not happen during lactation.

This occurs when the tumor forms in the milk duct in the nipple or behind it. In both cases, it is important to have a medical appointment and the necessary follow-ups.

oval shape

Many women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer have noticed noticeable changes in the shape of their breasts, such as the fact that one breast retains its rounded shape, while the other begins to take on an oval shape.

There are also cases of women who reported irregularity of the breast tissue on one side of the breast.

These inequalities in the breasts are usually more evident when wearing a bra.

For these cases, it is recommended to perform a breast self-examination and consult a specialist.

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