5 Signs That Your Eyes Have A Problem

There are times when eye problems can be momentary and transient. However, it is advisable not to neglect your eyes and pay them the attention they deserve so as not to put them in danger.

The eyes are primordial organs  for the development of each person’s daily life.

Although they are not vital, since many lack the sense of sight and still lead a normal life, their importance is fundamental for those used to using them on a regular basis.

Emphasis is given to them because some people with total blindness have gradually got used to not using this sense, otherwise the one who has his eyes in good condition or, at least, can still see.

Generally speaking, the most desirable thing for a person with an intact sense of sight is to keep it in the best possible condition.

This is complete by the amount of problems existing today, added to technological devices.

These are responsible for causing stress to the eyes and generating, over time, the appearance of problems, obviously of a visual order.

But that is not all. These wonderful organs also make it possible to detect the appearance of other types of diseases present in the body.

Therefore, they must not be careless. Based on the above, let’s go over some signs that indicate there is a problem with the eyes.

1. Cloudy eyes

There are many people who tend to perceive a kind of cloud over vision, which makes it impossible to observe properly.

According to ophthalmologists, a common symptom is based on discomfort, as if a kind of dirt has entered the eyes.

This sign suggests to the person that they suffer from cataracts, which appear regularly in elderly patients. However, some of younger ages can also suffer from this disease.

2. yellow eyes

Yellowish or yellow eyes are not very common in the iris region (a place where you can see their color, coffee being one of the most prevalent), although they usually exist.

However, with respect to the telltale signs of problems,  the color yellow is present throughout the eye, also in the scleral part, which remains whitish most of the time.

Such color indicates a  problem associated with a liver disease; it is usually the excess bilirubin in the body, a substance that is produced by the liver.

Don’t forget to read: 9 Signs That Indicate Toxin Overload

3. Flashes into nothingness

When a sudden movement is made; for example, getting out of bed quickly, the sudden change in circulation makes us feel nauseous and notice some flashes in our eyes.

Although it is a way to perceive these uncomfortable lights, there is another factor that influences such an appearance: it is vision problems, such as myopia or glaucoma.

The symptoms of these diseases are mostly manifested as flashes into nothingness and unpredictably, which indicates separation of the retina from the rest of the eye.

4. drooping eyelids

woman who has eye problems

Wrinkles and loss of skin nutrients, especially on the face, are quite common in elderly people; this occurs gradually over the years and the excess of impurities, and other similar factors.

The loss of nutrients in the skin and a condition called ptosis, which is the irregular drooping of the eyelids, can cause the eyelids to droop.

There are other factors influencing this problem, for example, irregularities present in the immune system or a tumor in the brain region.

Want to know more? Read: 8 cosmetic tricks to disguise drooping eyelids

5. Irregular vision

Possibly this sign alludes to fatigue accumulated by excessive use or exposure to devices with exaggerated brightness such  as cell phones or computers.

However, irregularities in vision also suggest another type of problem far more worrisome than one might think.

In general terms the vision is normal, but from one moment to another it becomes cloudy, causing partial loss of vision, this indicates inflammation in the eyes.

In more serious occasions, vision is completely lost for an estimated time of minutes, which indicates cerebrovascular problems.

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