5 Tips For Choosing Your Baby’s Stroller

The cart should meet your needs and budget. Enjoy the variety and versatility to choose the one that allows you to spend more time with your child.
5 tips for choosing your baby's stroller

Choosing a stroller for your baby will be on the list of the most important things among the preparations for taking care of their well-being and protection. With a good stroller, you can be with the child while solving everyday matters. It will allow the two of you to enjoy the outdoors in safety and comfort.

For these reasons, you cannot leave the choice to chance. Here are some tips that you can consider according to your needs and possibilities. The idea is that it is adjustable and versatile so that it adapts to every moment.

The Importance of Choosing a Good Stroller for Your Baby

With the arrival of a baby at home, spaces are usually reduced by all the accessories we purchase for their care. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a good cart that is useful and does not quickly become a disused object.

It should therefore be a trolley that is easy to store, light, easy to handle and practical to assemble and disassemble. Above all, it can be folded easily and quickly. Think that you will have to do all this with the baby and a bag in hand.

To get all the comfort and safety you are looking for, you should choose your baby’s stroller carefully. This will ensure that it is of good quality and that it passes the test of your requirements, so you don’t waste time and money.

Tips for choosing a stroller for your baby

Cart designs are increasingly varied. Manufacturers have innovated to cater for the baby’s different ages. If that’s what you’re looking for, select the one that fits what you want and can afford, without neglecting the quality and following the tips that we’ll give below.

Your baby's stroller must be safe
Like the car seat, the stroller must meet quality standards that ensure child protection.

1. Set the budget

It is important to be clear how much money you are going to allocate to the stroller, as there are strollers or strollers that adapt to each stage of the baby. In general, the former are cheaper and suitable for babies who are already able to sit for long periods.

The second option is the larger strollers, as they bring other accessories that allow them to adjust during growth, from the first days of birth. This can guarantee parents a single investment that will result in benefits and durability.

2. Prioritize your needs and the baby’s

It is very likely that your needs will help you define the size or certain features of the cart. For the newborn baby, the baby comfort must remain horizontal; when it comes loose, it must adapt to the chassis of the cart. Otherwise, the backrest must be rigid and fully reclining, at least 150 degrees or more.

From 6 months onwards or when your baby controls his head, he should offer degrees of reclining or allow various positions. Reversible strollers are suitable for children under one year of age, meaning the baby can look at the parents or caregivers while strolling.

3. Characteristics, according to use

Assess the intensity and pace of daily activities in which your baby will accompany you while in the stroller. If you train, have a walking routine, or travel to specific places with grass, humidity or irregularities, you should check that the product meets these demands.

For field trips, large, strong wheels will be more suitable. But if you live in the city and in a building, the elevator or stairs will be on the priority attention list. The same goes if you have to use the subway or public transport in your routine.

Likewise, be sure to evaluate the capacity of the car trunk when buying the cart, because when traveling, you can stop taking anything if there is no space, except the cart.

4. Cart materials

Lightweight, waterproof materials are essential when choosing a stroller. It can weigh 5 to 10 pounds, to which you have to add your baby’s weight. It doesn’t sound like much, but in the long run and with extra charging, it can be difficult to carry the full volume. In any case, handling must be simple, easy and safe.

Frequent rain, sun or weather variations will help you determine the number and type of accessories for your cart, but also their materials. Handlebar height is generally standard, although very tall parents may need an adjustable system.

5. Security system

Pay attention that the baby’s comfort stroller does not have any material or clasp that holds the child’s fingers when handling it, and that the locking or wheel locking system works. Don’t expect to check on a descent or an escalator.

Another aspect that must be controlled is the stroller seat belt for your baby. In Europe, all new models must comply with European regulations, which include specifications regarding the seat belt. The baby must be well contained and secure to prevent slipping from the stroller or moving under the risk of suffocation or strangulation.

In Brazil, all models can only be sold if they are registered with Inmetro and present the agency’s seal, which guarantees that the product has passed the necessary safety assessments.

Although the stroller is safe, we must never lose sight of the baby. Therefore, look for a stroller with a waterproof top, which has a visor and thus allows an inside view.

Advantages of baby carriages

We must not rush the child’s passage from comfort baby to stroller, even with the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is the baby, sitting up and holding his head, who will tell you he is ready. Once seated, firm and comfortable, you can begin the adventure of seeing the world by walking.

More time to share

You’ll be with your baby as you take long walks to think, get some fresh air, go to the park, or shop. Your child will be distracted, getting to know the world around them, resting and may even fall asleep due to the vibration effect. The stroller allows you to save quality time with your baby.

frees you from the weight

Another advantage is that the child’s weight is supported on the stroller and not on the arms or back, as is the case with kangaroos and slings. These, although they get mother and child to stay together, even allowing breastfeeding if necessary, require from the user a little strength and endurance.

Mom with her baby on her lap
You need to let go of your arms from time to time, as the baby’s constant burden creates discomfort and muscle pain.


If you choose your baby’s stroller well, you can use it so that he sleeps, eats or walks through the countryside or the city enjoying the view and the day. There are even some models that can carry food, diapers or baby bottles. All resolved by a single device.

Be careful when using the handlebars to hang groceries or heavy objects. When taking the child out of the stroller or if he gets up, the stroller is likely to overturn and fall to the floor. So try to choose one with load capacity at the bottom ; the transported objects will act as a counterweight and the cart will be balanced.

Stroller and running cart

If you’re used to a workout routine that includes nature walks or jogging, there are carts designed for that. They have bigger, sturdier wheels and a belt system that provides extra safety for the child.

You can keep running with a lightweight, all-terrain, three-wheeled cart with good suspension. A five-point harness, handlebar locking system and a wind and rain protection cover. Do you have it all? Then, you can train to be healthy and get back in shape after giving birth.

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