6 Bad Habits That Age Without You Noticing

Bad habits like smoking and maintaining a sedentary lifestyle can accelerate the deterioration of the skin, causing premature aging.
6 bad habits that grow old without you noticing

Bad habits that age and you usually ignore

Skin care should start from youth. However, many struggle to fight the signs of age when they have already started to appear. The most effective way to prevent them is to take some precautions before they develop.

In the environment, there are a lot of toxins and volatile particles that  negatively affect your dermis.  So if you want to avoid premature aging, you should stay away from them.

It’s true that genetic factors affect how quickly wrinkles appear. However, a healthy lifestyle can delay this process and, in turn, improve your quality of life.

1. Abuse of makeup

Make up


  • Try to avoid wearing makeup when you don’t have to. Your skin needs to breathe naturally.
  • Clean your face every day to remove any residue from cosmetic products.

2. Consume tobacco


  • Try to stop smoking. While it’s not easy, there are many steps that can help you achieve this.
  • If you don’t smoke, try not to expose yourself to cigarette smoke. Far from being harmless, it contains particles that damage the skin.

3. Do not use sunscreen



  • Choose a sunscreen equal to or greater than 30 SPF  (Sun Protection Factor) when you are exposed to direct sunlight.
  • To complement it, wear clothes that help you take care of the skin on your body: long shirts, hats, sunglasses, and so on.

4. Sleep little

The poor quality of sleep has notorious consequences for the health of the skin. During the rest period, there are processes that are decisive to reduce the aggressions suffered by tissues during the day. Sleeping less than 7 hours a day without interruptions affects circulation  and affects the appearance of premature wrinkles, eye bags and sagging.


  • Try to go to bed and get up at about the same time every time so you don’t disturb your sleep rhythm.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, try to find the cause of insomnia to apply timely and effective treatment.

5. Bad diet

fast food

Among the bad habits that get older, this is one of the most important. The nutrients that are obtained from food are essential to have healthy, youthful skin for longer. For this reason, when you eat poorly, you are more susceptible to skin imperfections.


  • Try to increase your consumption of organic foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.
  • Avoid processed foods, sausages and industrial baked goods as much as possible.
  • Replace soda with water.

6. Sedentary lifestyle

The sedentary lifestyle has many health consequences.  What many don’t know is that, in some way, it also negatively affects the skin’s beauty. Exercising is essential for maintaining a beautiful, vital body.


  • Spend at least 30 minutes a day on an exercise routine.
  • If you have any physical limitations, consult a professional about what training you should take.

Now that you know the bad habits that get old,  try to live a healthier life so you don’t suffer their effects. This will undoubtedly help you to promote your overall well-being. Are you prepared to fight these bad habits that age you?

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