6 Freekeh Health Benefits

You may have heard about some old grain lately. Like kamut, spelled and amaranth, freekeh also became famous. Do you know him?
6 health benefits of freekeh

Also called frikeh or farik , freekeh is a type of cereal made from hard green wheat. In a short time, freekeh gained popularity for its fiber and nutrient content and for the health benefits it can offer.

If you are interested in learning more about this food, its properties and how to incorporate it into your diet, we invite you to continue reading this article.

A little-known cereal from the eastern Mediterranean

Freekeh is a cereal whose use goes back a few centuries. In some 13th-century Baghdad cookbooks, he is already referred to by the name farïkyya . Even today, it is a common ingredient in the cuisine of some countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

It is composed of hard green wheat grains that are harvested before reaching the ideal point of maturity. Final drying is done in the sun with a handcrafted process to rub and break into small pieces, similar to bulgur. In this way, it becomes a cereal suitable for human consumption.

It is a grain similar to the European spelled used in Italy and Scandinavia. Like her, the freekeh is a nutritious and versatile food in the kitchen. It stands out for its smoky flavor and firm texture, which is perfect for both salads and stir-fries.

Health Benefits of Freekeh

The nutrient content makes it a highly recommended food. Its consumption within a healthy diet is advisable and may have advantages for the body.

1. Interesting nutrient contribution

The nutritional composition of freekeh is similar to that of other cereals such as rice or wheat. However, in this case, the amount of fiber, proteins and some minerals stands out.

This is the specific nutritional information for 100 grams of raw product:

  • Energy: 352 kilocalories.
  • Protein: 12.5 grams.
  • Lipids: 4.5 grams.
  • Carbohydrates: 60 grams.
  • Fibers: 11.2 grams.
  • Calcium: 50 milligrams.
  • Iron: 1.8 milligrams.
  • Magnesium: 140 milligrams.
  • Potassium: 500 milligrams.
  • Zinc: 4.12 milligrams.
freekeh bowl
This cereal has an interesting nutritional composition with a high fiber content.

2. Power source

Foods that provide carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy, especially for children, teenagers, athletes or people with great physical and mental exhaustion. In addition, in the case of freekeh , the glycemic index is low, so it does not cause sudden increases in blood glucose, as occurs with other sources of carbohydrates.

3. Nutrients for eye care

Lutein and zeaxanthin are present in this cereal. Both are plant pigments that accumulate in the macula of the eye and are involved in preventing age-related macular degeneration.

4. Fiber content

There are many reasons why it’s good to ensure that you have fiber in your daily diet. One of the best known reasons is to help improve intestinal transit. However, other positive effects have been cited.

The most prominent ones are its crucial role in controlling body weight and preventing some very prevalent chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Vegetable protein

The protein content of freekeh is similar to that of quinoa. For this reason, it is another food to be considered as a source of vegetable protein in vegan diets. However, at the moment it is not possible to guarantee that it contains all the essential amino acids.

6. Provides a feeling of satiety

Protein and fiber in food help to slow down digestion, providing a feeling of fullness. For this reason, it can be a good option for those seeking greater appetite control or increasing intervals between meals.


As it is a wheat derivative, this is a cereal that contains gluten. For this reason, it is not indicated in the diet of people with celiac disease.

Uses of freekeh in the kitchen

When you hear about freekeh or when you buy it for the first time, you may have questions about how to prepare it. But don’t panic, because in reality its possible uses are the same as any cereal.

Freekeh requires a cooking time of about 20 minutes with a ratio of 2 cups water to 1 cup cereal. After cooking, the beans are loose and ready to eat. In this way, they can be added to salads, to a tabbouleh, to be sauteed with some vegetables or served as a garnish.

In addition, it is also possible to make soups and stews. In this case, pre-cooking is not necessary, as the cereal is prepared together with the other ingredients.

In addition, it is always possible to cook it following the traditional recipes and methods of the countries where it is regularly consumed:

  • In Egypt it is prepared with onions, tomatoes and chicken.
  • In Jordan, freeket lahma is a pilaf with roast lamb, peas and pine nuts.
  • In Syria, it is usually cooked with lamb and seasoned with cinnamon, pepper, cumin and almonds.
  • Chorba frik is a tomato and green wheat soup, typical of Algerian cuisine and considered a national dish.
  • Firik is the name it gets in Turkey, where it is known in the southern area of ​​Anatolia. It is sometimes combined with bulgur and made with chickpeas, herbs and spices.
Bulgarian Wheat
In Turkey, it is common for their consumption to be accompanied by Bulgarian wheat.

Freekeh Chicken Recipe

A simple and easy dish to prepare is chicken freekeh . It is typical of Lebanese cuisine and is a perfect option to get to know this cereal.

Ingredients required for 4 servings

  • 1/2 onion.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • Parsley to decorate.
  • 1 cup of dry freekeh.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon.
  • 4 pieces of skinless, boneless chicken.
  • 100 grams of unshelled raw almonds.

Step by step preparation

  1. Start with freekeh preparation . Put it under a stream of cold water until it is clear. Hydrate with cold water for 30 minutes. Strain and set aside.
  2. Then heat 2 tablespoons of oil over medium heat in a skillet or heavy-bottomed pan. Add onion and cook for 5 to 10 minutes until golden. Then pour the reserved freekeh over the top and season to taste.
  3. Add 2 cups of water. Cover and cook over low heat until cereal is tender (approximately 20 minutes). Stir a few times to avoid sticking.
  4. Meanwhile, season the chicken with salt, pepper and cinnamon. Once the freekeh is cooked, transfer to a plate and set aside with a lid. Clean the pan with a little paper towel and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Heat over medium heat and saute the almonds for 3 or 4 minutes. Remove and set aside.
  5. Then pour in a little more oil (another tablespoon) and cook the chicken for 5 to 7 minutes on one side, without turning (final time depends on thickness). Turn and cook another 3 minutes or until well done.
  6. Serve the chicken on top of the cereal decorated with almonds and a little chopped parsley.

Take advantage of freekeh benefits

This recipe is a very complete dish that can be accompanied by a salad or a vegetable cream. Leftovers can be kept well for about 3 days in the refrigerator, in an airtight container.

You can also cook more portions of freekeh and freeze it. That way, it will be ready and available when you need it. Then, just heat it up in a pan or microwave and accompany it with meat, fish, egg or mix with some sautéed vegetables. That way you can always take advantage of the health benefits of freekeh.

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