6 Healthy Drinks To Cleanse The Blood In A Natural Way

Blood is like the water in our body, it is essential that it is clean for the organs to function properly. There are many causes of impurity and toxicity in the blood, so the use of natural remedies is ideal for a healthier life.

Blood can be contaminated for different reasons: accumulation of toxins due to the malfunction of the purifying organs such as the kidneys, liver and intestines, a poor diet rich in fats and toxic substances, contamination, among others. So, learn here how to clean the blood in a natural way.

Toxic substances and waste accumulated in our body pass through the bloodstream to be eliminated through the skin. Thus, the acne problems that some people suffer from are directly related to toxemia.

First, if the blood cannot purify itself, even with the elimination of toxins through the skin, internal contamination will persist and chronic internal problems and illnesses will develop  . Therefore, it is very important to contribute to blood clearance through natural treatments that complement the detoxification and cleansing process.

Fruit and vegetable juices, as well as infusions, are of great help in the blood purification process and in the elimination of toxins from our body. Below, we share the best drinks to clean the blood naturally and thus prevent illnesses caused by the accumulation of toxins.

Beet juice

Beetroot juice helps clean the blood

Certainly, beetroot juice is one of the best options to clean the blood naturally and without spending too much. This juice is prepared with beetroot and the leaves of this vegetable. As a result, you’ll get a potent blood-cleaning and blood-rebuilding drink.


  • 2 beets
  • beet leaves
  • Water

Method of preparation

First, wash the beets and their leaves very well, and check that they are completely clean. Dry and cut the beets and their leaves to fit in a blender, then add a little water and blend for a few minutes. Consume this juice preferably on an empty stomach.

Garlic and red wine drink

This powerful drink is ideal for boosting metabolism as well as reducing body fat. In addition, it helps to eliminate excess salt from the body and helps a lot in clearing the blood.


  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • ½ liter of red wine

Method of preparation

Cut the garlic cloves into pieces and place them in a glass jar with half a liter of red wine. Close the bottle tightly and place it near a window or somewhere where there is direct light for two weeks.

Once the two weeks have passed, filter the contents of the bottle and pour into another glass container. Take a scoop of this drink three times a day for a month.

green juice to clean blood

green juice to clean blood

This green juice is ideal for stimulating the elimination of toxins and impurities that may be present in the bloodstream. Furthermore, its consumption is also recommended to activate metabolism and lose weight.


  • a handful of spinach
  • 2 chard stalks
  • 2 apples
  • a handful of parsley
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber

Method of preparation

Put all the ingredients in a blender, blend for a few seconds and then consume the juice very fresh, so you can enjoy all its properties.

Burdock (Arctium lappa) infusion 

Burdock is a very powerful depurative plant that helps clean the blood and lymphatic system.  Therefore, it is recommended to consume its infusion to reduce congestion and swelling, eliminate toxins through the skin or urine and eliminate excess uric acid from our body.

Its properties are so effective that it is also recommended in cases of arthritis, sciatica, gout, skin rashes, acne, blood acidity, edema, kidney stones and liver problems, for example.

Dandelion Infusion

Dandelion tea to clean the blood

Dandelion infusion is one of the most popular cleansing drinks due to its effectiveness. It is ideal for combating fluid retention and eliminating toxins and waste that accumulate in our body and can pass into the bloodstream.  As such, this infusion is completely safe and effective in clearing the blood of any toxins that may have accumulated.

nettle infusion

This is another excellent cleansing infusion to naturally detoxify the blood and eliminate toxic substances that can affect our health. It is not only a diuretic, it is also used to treat liver and kidney problems.

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