6 Home Remedies That Can Relieve Neck Pain

While stretching and localized exercises can be very effective in relieving neck pain, we shouldn’t over-strain either, as this could make the situation worse.

Neck pain is a common annoyance that  occurs when the muscles in this region of the body contract or become painful , thus making it difficult for the head to move.

Most cases happen as a result of poor posture when sleeping or sitting awkwardly, although it can also be caused by trauma and chronic diseases such as, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.

The affected person may have a disabling condition for several days, as  muscle contraction tends to be long-lasting  and, in addition to neck pain, causes headaches and limitations of movement.

However, it  is an easy-to-treat benign condition  that, with some natural remedies, can improve in a short time.

Since it can happen at any time, we share below 6 good solutions to apply whenever you feel this pain.

1. Lavender essential oil

Neck stiffness and pain can be reduced with lavender essential oil as it has anti-inflammatory and calming actives that can help. 

Its relaxing aroma controls the stress that occurs from this condition  and, in this way, helps to relax the muscles.

What to do?

  • Take a little lavender oil with your palms, rub them together, then apply to the neck with a light massage.
  • Use gentle movements for 5 to 8 minutes and repeat this twice a day if you feel it is necessary.

2. Exercises and stretches

Muscle exercises and stretching  are a great solution to alleviate pain and movement difficulties  that occur in the cervical region.

That’s because they help restore muscle function, minimizing the load they tend to suffer from exaggerated physical exertion.

What to do?

Therefore, take several minutes to do neck stretching exercises, such as:

  • Circular rotation of shoulder blades;
  • Extension, flexion and rotation of the cervical spine;
  • Stretching the pectoral muscles;
  • Strengthening of shoulder muscles;
  • Isometric exercises.

3. Compresses with orange peel tea

Orange to relieve neck pain

The infusion of orange peel has relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties that, in this way, facilitate the treatment of tension and stiffness in the cervical region.

Its application through hot compresses  helps to reduce pain and muscle contractions  caused by this problem.

What to do?

  • Put several orange peels to boil in water and, when you get a tea, dip a clean cloth into the liquid.
  • Be sure to check that the temperature is right for the skin and then apply the cloth over the painful area.
  • Repeat its use between 2 and 3 times a day.

4. Rosemary Oil for Neck Pain

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties  that, once absorbed, relax the painful muscles in the neck.

Thus, its use through massage improves circulation in the affected region and, in a matter of minutes, offers a pleasant sensation of relief.

What to do?

  • Apply a small amount of rosemary oil and rub it into the neck and shoulders with gentle circular massages.
  • Avoid exerting too much pressure as this can make the condition worse.
  • Repeat treatment up to 2 times a day.

5. Arnica tincture

In principle, arnica tincture is a potent muscle relaxant that, used topically, can improve the health of patients with neck pain.

Its absorption reduces inflammation and therefore  reactivates circulation for rapid oxygenation of the affected muscles.

What to do?

  • Add several drops of arnica tincture to a cup of warm water, then apply it with a cotton swab.
  • Use for 10 minutes, rest and repeat treatment twice a day.

6. Ice packs

First, direct application of ice packs is an effective remedy for relieving inflammation and improving blood flow in the sore neck region.

What to do?

  • Take several ice cubes, crush them, and wrap them in a clean cloth or bag to make compresses;
  • Apply over painful areas and leave for 5 to 10 minutes, until inflammation is reduced;
  • After that time, apply a warm cloth to complement its relaxing effects;
  • So, rest and repeat your use 2 times a day.

Ready to try these natural remedies? If severe pain in the cervical region is bothering you,  choose any of these remedies to get a feeling of quick relief.


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