6 Ideal Foods To Regulate Hemoglobin Levels

Achieving normal hemoglobin levels is easy and can be done through diet, as long as the deficiency is not due to more serious conditions.
6 ideal foods to regulate hemoglobin levels

How do you know that you need to regulate hemoglobin levels in your body? Suppose one day you climb a normal staircase and find yourself feeling very tired.

So, you notice that sometimes your heart beats very hard for no apparent reason.  You get scared and go to the doctor.

Fortunately, it’s not as serious as you thought. “His problem is low hemoglobin,” he says. “You just have anemia.”

You breathe a sigh of relief, leave the office, and suddenly a question comes up: “What can I eat to regulate hemoglobin levels?

This situation is very common. Its symptoms are so worrisome and the doctor diagnoses anemia. Certainly, the professional will indicate the most appropriate treatment, which is usually through food, but in some cases, it will be necessary to administer medication that only he is the person indicated to guide.

As we said, the best way to regulate hemoglobin levels is through diet, so let’s offer some advice in that regard.

What to Eat to Regulate Hemoglobin Levels

How to restore hemoglobin levels depends very much on the cause of the change. However, often the focus is on food. In fact, a publication in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition points out that nutrition education is essential.

So let’s look at a list of recommended foods.

1. Liver

Liver is a food that helps regulate hemoglobin levels.
The liver and kidneys provide more vitamin B12 than the body needs on a daily basis.

According to an article published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine , the liver is rich in iron and this is essential for hemoglobin.

There are people who are reluctant to ingest it. Some because they are not comfortable consuming this part of the body, while others avoid it because of the taste.

  • If you fit either case, we recommend that you give it a try. With time you will get used to it and you will gain a lot. In fact, it  ‘s one of the most effective foods  to get what we want.

Also, there are very tasty recipes that will teach you to enjoy this food.

2. Legumes with vegetables

When it comes to plant-based foods, the body sometimes finds it difficult to store iron, which is present, for example, in pulses.

Therefore, you need extra help to absorb it, which you will have thanks to vegetables rich in vitamin C. According to a study published in 2016 by Aging , this vitamin helps the absorption of iron.

Vegetables rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C

Bearing in mind what we said above, below we will give a list of vegetables with vitamin C.

This way you will enrich all your dishes to regulate hemoglobin levels.

  • chili, especially raw
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprout
  • chili
  • Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Carrot
  • Beetroot

3. Foods rich in folic acid

It’s not just important for pregnancy. It is also important for hemoglobin as it  helps to create red blood cells  .

However, we usually only refer to it when we talk about the typical pills that are taken during pregnancy.

Therefore, we often don’t know which elements contain it in high doses.

In this sense, we offer another list that will facilitate the process of  preparing a dish that will allow you to help end anemia  .

  • asparagus
  • Orange
  • Avocado
  • Wheat germ
  • Bean
  • Soy
  • pumpkin seeds

To these must be added other foods mentioned in other sections, such as green vegetables, legumes and liver.

4. Blue fish

Blue fish helps prevent iron deficiency

Blue fish has all the advantages of previous foods. Furthermore, it is identified as a fatty fish. It  stands out for the presence of vitamin B, essential for the production of red blood cells.

Increase your consumption of:

  • Salmon
  • Sardine
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel

5. Foods with Vitamin A and Beta Carotenes

According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition , both vitamin A and beta-carotenes can help improve iron absorption. Therefore, its consumption is convenient in case of a low hemoglobin problem.

Foods rich in vitamin A include:

  • Liver
  • Fish
  • Sweet potato
  • Cabbage and cabbage.

The foods rich in beta-carotene include yellow fruits and vegetables, red and orange, such as:

  • sleeves
  • melons
  • Carrots
  • Sweet potato.

6. Vegetables

We must pay special attention to legumes, as they are a very complete food from a nutritional point of view. A study published in Nutrition Reviews highlights that vegetables are rich in ferritin, a protein that encapsulates large amounts of iron, a key nutrient for optimal hemoglobin levels.

Among the legumes we find:

  • Soy
    Green peas.

How to Eat Food to Regulate Hemoglobin Levels

The increased interest in food has motivated a renewed taste for gastronomy. As a result, we know that the traditional way of preparing food is not always the most appropriate.

In this case, we  recommend reducing the cooking time  . Heating food causes its composition to change. So it’s better to use heat to make them edible.

  • Keep in mind that,  in the case of vegetables, you need to look for the texture  al dente. Initially you may not like it, but it is the healthiest. This way you will enjoy all your nutrients.
  • As for meat and fish, each type has its point, so the ideal is to respect it.

As long as it’s not a symptom of another aggressive disease, a lack of hemoglobin is easy to control. Just insert a series of foods into your diet more often and you’ll soon start to feel better.

In any case, it is important to consult your doctor and undergo periodic tests to monitor your general condition.

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