6 Natural Resources You Can Use To Close Open Pores

The problem with open pores is that they usually accumulate impurities, so it is essential to maintain hygiene and care for your face to avoid it.
6 Natural Remedies You Can Use to Close Open Pores

Its development can be the result of prolonged exposure to the sun, since ultraviolet (UV) rays deteriorate collagen and reduce the elasticity of the pore channels.

excess stress

In fact, we have at hand a series of natural resources that, applied regularly, help to seal them without producing unwanted reactions.

Do you dare to try them? Discover the top six.

1. Gel0

woman putting ice on pores

skin look shiny.

How to use it?

  • Wrap several ice cubes in a clean cloth and apply it to the affected areas for 15

2. Apple Vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar is a tonic with astringent properties that reduce the accumulation of residue in the skin’s pores.

How to use it?

  • Dilute a little apple cider vinegar in equal parts of
Woman taking off mask against open pores.

The application of egg whites has many functions on the skin. Its essential amino acids help repair the damage that the skin suffers in the environment, preventing the development of premature wrinkles.

How to use them?

  • Beat an egg white and spread it all over your

Due to its high lactic acid content, plain yogurt is an excellent resource for deep cleansing of the skin when there are problems due to open pores.

How to use it?

  • Spread a thin layer of plain yogurt all over your
Mask against open pores

Its antioxidants protect tissues against the negative action of free radicals, minimizing the appearance of imperfections.

How to use it?

  • Grate a cucumber and strain it into a cloth to get your

Due to its texture, baking soda has been used as a natural exfoliant. Its interesting composition helps to absorb fat residues and decreases pore size.

How to use it?

  • Moisten a little baking soda until you get a

Do you want to give your skin a smoother, fresher look? If you notice that your pores are too open or full of impurities, don’t hesitate to try any of these natural remedies.

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