6 Positions To Breastfeed The Baby

The task of breastfeeding can be a little stressful if there is not enough experience. Fortunately, there are several positions that make it easier and prevent discomfort. 
6 positions to breastfeed the baby

Most mothers are interested in knowing the positions for breastfeeding their baby. As it is an act to which they dedicate several hours a day, it is important to know what is the most comfortable position for the baby to suckle correctly and not generate neck or back pain.

The task takes some practice and coordination, especially when you are a first-time mother. Although there is no set rule about what the correct position should be, following some recommendations makes breastfeeding easier and prevents the experience from becoming stressful.

In fact, today there are centers that offer advice on the various possibilities of breastfeeding, as many mothers have doubts or fear doing it wrong. Are you interested in learning the postures for breastfeeding your baby? Below we share them in detail.

1. Cradle position

The crib position is one of the most common for feeding the baby. It’s recommended for first-time moms because it’s so easy to do. However, it can be a little uncomfortable for women who have had a caesarean delivery as it tends to put pressure on the injured area.

Positions for breastfeeding the baby: Cradle position

How to do it?

  • Sit in a chair with arms or a bed with some pillows.
  • Hold the baby with one arm so that your face is facing your nipple and your knees are tucked into your body.
  • Then use your free hand to guide the nipple into the baby’s mouth.
  • If you find it painful, change the baby’s posture or try another position until you feel comfortable.

2. Position of the transverse cradle

The transverse crib posture is one of the positions to breastfeed the baby when there is little experience. It is usually used when the newborn is very small and has difficulty holding the nipple. However, it can also be adopted before practicing the crib position while the baby is learning.

How to do it?

  • Hold the baby in your arms, holding his head with your hand and his back with your forearm. If you hold him with your right arm, give him your left breast and vice versa.
  • With your free hand, bring the baby to the nipple.

3. American football ball position

The football stance, also known as the “rugby ball stance” , is ideal for women who have had a caesarean or twins. It is an ideal alternative to feeding nervous babies, because holding them tightly against your body makes them feel safer.

Positions for breastfeeding the baby: conventional

How to do it?

  • Sit with your back straight, as comfortable as possible. You can use a pillow to fix the baby.
  • Hold the small one in your hand on the same side of the chest you are going to use. Hold your head with your hand and support your back on your forearm.
  • The baby’s face should be placed in front of the nipple and the rest of the body under the arm, with the stomach tucked into its side.

4. Position lying on its side

One of the positions to breastfeed while you rest is “on your side”. It is ideal for breastfeeding the child at night, or for those mothers who have suffered labor problems due to an episiotomy or cesarean section.

How to do it?

  • Lie on your side and place several pillows behind your back and between your knees.
  • Then place the baby on her side with her face facing the nipple.
  • Bring the baby’s head closer until you can grasp the chest.
  • If you feel it is necessary, use one hand to hold the baby so that the baby does not turn over.

5. Positions for breastfeeding the baby in the opposite direction

Some define this position as a combination of sideways and football. Although it is less frequent than the previous ones, it is very comfortable for some mothers, who have difficulties in breastfeeding.

Positions to breastfeed the baby: reverse direction

How to do it?

  • First, lie on your side with your back supported by pillows.
  • Then place the baby’s face in front of the nipple and the rest of the body towards your shoulder (in reverse).
  • Hold the baby’s body with one hand so it doesn’t turn.

6. Horseback Position

Sitting or “back riding” posture is one of the positions for breastfeeding the baby, which can help when it is difficult to grasp the nipple. Because this requires small seating, it is not the most suitable for newborn babies.

How to do it?

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight.
  • Place the baby “on a horseback” on your leg, bringing your face closer to your chest.
  • Make sure the nipple stays up so that a good part of the breast rests on the lower lip.

To finish…

There are different positions so that the task of breastfeeding is not tedious or uncomfortable for the mother or baby. Furthermore, these help to achieve a better grip and suction on the part of the baby. If the nipples are cracked, or if the baby swallows a lot of air when feeding, it may be better to try another position.

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