6 Preventive Tips For Cold Exposure

Exposure to cold makes us more vulnerable to some illnesses, but these preventative tips can help minimize these risks
6 Preventive Tips for Cold Exposure

Low temperatures can cause a weakened immune system, . For this reason it is important to follow a number of preventative tips for cold exposure.

Children under the age of five, women, and the elderly are the most vulnerable to developing certain conditions at this time.

What measures should be taken to minimize the effects of exposure to cold? Today we’ve compiled 6 basic recommendations.

Preventive tips for taking care of your health during exposure to the cold

During low temperatures, the chances of us suffering some health problems increase, mainly of the respiratory type.

Keeping the body warm and following some precautions can be important to activate the defense mechanisms. In this way, a “plus” of strength is given to the immune functions. What are these tips?

1. Choosing the right clothes

6 Preventive Tips for Cold Exposure: Choose the Right Clothes

For obvious reasons, cold season clothing is very different from other days of the year. Keeping your body warm is one of the goals, so choosing warm clothing is essential. Before exposure to the cold, it is important to purchase clothes whose fabrics provide warmth.

Gloves, loose blouses and shawls are some of the must-have options. Other items that can be considered at this time are:

  • coats
  • Beanies
  • Ear protectors
  • scarves
  • Socks
  • Winter boots.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to choosing the right clothes, it is recommended to dress in layers to control the cold and humidity. This technique better conserves body heat, and prevents the body from instantly cooling down when directly exposed to cold weather.

2. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages

Periods of exposure to cold are not the best for drinking alcoholic beverages. As many already know, ingesting it can weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections.

On the other hand, mental awareness is affected, and the ability to recognize symptoms derived from a low temperature is limited . Alcohol dilates the body’s blood vessels and increases heat loss.

3. Adopt a good diet

6 Preventive Tips for Cold Exposure: Adopt a Good Diet

Proper nutrition is essential to minimize the impact of cold exposure on the immune system. Foods rich in vitamins A and C strengthen defenses and, according to this study by the University of Helsinki (Finland), can reduce the susceptibility to respiratory infections.

Eating healthy is also essential for maintaining a steady weight at this time. During the cold months, the feeling of craving for food increases, and there is more chance of dropping excess calories. Some recommended foods for this time are:

4. Consume lots of fluids

5. Wear lip balm

6 preventive tips for cold exposure: use lip balm

Exposure to cold can have noticeable consequences on the delicate skin of the lips. This, when extremely dry, tends to crack and develop various types of infections. It is very important to purchase or prepare a good lip balm, as using it several times a day can neutralize the effect of the sudden change in temperature.

6. Avoid self-medication

Patients with a particular health condition should consult their physician about habits they should adopt to reduce the impact of exposure to cold. Some of the illnesses to watch out for are:

  • Heart problems
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma
  • flu and cold
  • hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes


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