6 Signs Of Appendicitis We Shouldn’t Ignore

The appendix is ​​a small tube-shaped organ that attaches to the first part of the large intestine, in the lower right part of the abdomen.
6 Signs of Appendicitis We Shouldn't Ignore

If we don’t identify the signs of appendicitis in time, it can get complicated and result in life-threatening peritonitis.

Although it has no known function in the human body, within the appendix there are many lymphoid follicles of the immune system, similar to those found in the tonsils.

Appendicitis originates when this organ is blocked or inflamed, which interferes with the passage of blood flow and, in addition, increases the pressure in the area.

Although it is not in danger in its early stages, it is essential that appendicitis is treated as soon as possible, since if it progresses, the infection can spread.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of some signs that, although they may be confused with other infections, are crucial for consulting a doctor and receiving a timely diagnosis.

1. Abdominal inflammation could be a sign of appendicitis

appendicitis signs

Abdominal inflammation or distension is characterized by an uncomfortable feeling of pressure and bloating, often associated with digestive difficulty.

In this particular case it is a very common symptom, as the blockage of the appendix triggers an inflammatory reaction which, as the disease progresses, extends throughout the entire digestive system.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to inflammation, the patient may suffer from gas accumulation.

2. Pain in the lower right part of the abdomen

One of the first manifestations of appendicitis is an acute abdominal pain, almost always in the lower right part of the abdomen, that is, in the area where the organ is.

  • The symptom gradually increases as inflammation and pressure on the appendix increase due to its obstruction.
  • It can occur at intervals, although it remains for a long time when the disease progresses.
  • It is common for patients to experience it more severely when they sneeze or make a sudden movement.
  • The pain, in some cases, extends to the navel and lower back.

3. Dizziness and vomiting

appendicitis signs

When dizziness and vomiting appear suddenly, it is very important to be alert to the signs of appendicitis.

Although not all cases indicate this disease, it is important to consider the possibility, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

About 90% of diagnosed cases presented this symptom right after severe pain in the lower abdominal part.

When the appendix is ​​not treated in time and the infection starts to spread, vomiting and dizziness become more frequent.

4. Sudden loss of appetite

Lack of appetite is one of the consequences of inflammation in the system caused by the blockage of the appendix.

These reactions interfere with proper digestive functioning and, in addition, affect hunger hormones. Therefore, patients tend to have complications from nutritional deficiencies.

Although it may initially appear normal, it is a symptom that requires proper medical evaluation.

5. Fever

appendicitis signs

The inflammation and pressure that the organ experiences due to appendicitis tends to manifest with symptoms similar to those of other gastrointestinal infections.

Therefore, affected patients frequently experience fever and chills, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the abdomen.

It’s a symptom that shouldn’t be ignored, as, although it can be controlled by medication, it tends to reappear as inflammation complicates.

Although the change in temperature is slight, if it is accompanied by other digestive symptoms, the doctor should be consulted.

6. Constipation or diarrhea

When an inflammatory reaction occurs in the body, a product of the blockage of the appendix, it is common for the tendency to have problems of constipation or diarrhea to increase.

Patients fail to defecate normally and, while some feel the urge to go to the bathroom recurrently, others start going less often, with more difficulty.

In these cases, both problems are accompanied by abdominal inflammation and gas.

When to see the doctor?

When identifying these symptoms, it is essential to go to the doctor as soon as possible to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

Keep in mind that although symptoms may be associated with other digestive system pathologies, it is best to analyze them with the help of a professional.

The doctor can perform a physical examination, blood tests and other varieties of studies that allow you to accurately identify the disease.

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