6 Signs We’re Eating Too Much Sugar

The signs that we are eating too much sugar are very similar to what drug addiction causes. This is aggravated because almost all industrialized foods are adulterated with this substance in order to create such an effect.
6 Signs We Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is a real poison for the body. When we consult a nutritionist or a physical trainer, the first thing we will hear is to avoid their consumption.

In addition to gaining weight, it negatively influences other factors in our body.

However, sometimes we are not aware of the negative effect  that the high presence of sugar has on our body.

We only think of diabetes as an illness related to it. So if we don’t have the disease, we tend to think we’re immune from avoiding sugar consumption.

Turning into a diabetic person is one of the symptoms of eating too much sugar.

However, before reaching that extreme, there are a series of  side effects that will hinder the normal development of your daily tasks.

We often don’t notice this relationship because sugar intake is normalized, but it is necessary to be aware of the symptoms that we will list below.

Symptoms of eating too much sugar 

1. General exhaustion

the sugar

The effect that sugar generates is comparable to that of stimulant drugs. First,  there is a rapid increase in energy levels, but soon it drops  below desirable levels.

As a result of the initial spike, a depressing process follows.

The general reaction to this tiredness is to turn to cola sodas and other stimulants that are also sugary. So we start the same cycle again.

Therefore, we recommend drinking coffee with sweeteners or other ingredients ( other than sugar), which will help to recover energy.

2. Anxiety to eat more sweets

As we said before, we are talking about a substance with very similar effects to drugs.

Therefore, noticing many thoughts related to sweet foods is a sign of eating too much sugar. It is possible that you are already developing a dependency relationship with the element.

The reason for this type of situation to occur lies in our origin as a species. To survive, we need glucose. So the  more we eat, the more our brain wants to store.

Even the most unthinkable products, such as cold cuts and processed meats, have added sugar in their composition.

3. Mood swings

the sugar

If we think about the two previous signs, this sign of eating too much sugar is easily understood. The more we eat, the more we want.

This means that when we finish eating candy, we feel better. On the other hand,  when we notice its absence, we get annoyed.

The curious thing is that a time has come when mood swings are linked to any food.

All those who have gone through an industrial process contain glucose, so this  withdrawal syndrome appears with almost any food.

4. Sugar makes you fat

Once our mind has obtained the amount of sugar needed to function,  the body metabolizes the rest into fat.

Since the pancreas cannot secrete the amount of insulin needed to digest that amount, the liver stores it as fat.

Don’t worry, you can still eat several pieces of fruit to lose weight. The glucose present in these is not as harmful as in cakes and other processed foods.

5. The skin is weakened when we eat too much sugar 

Digesting sugar requires insulin. This is a potent substance that is present in your body in high volumes when we eat too much sugar.

Many people are especially sensitive to it, so that  their skin begins to dry out and flake without remedy. 

It is true that the market offers many products to improve the problem. But we suggest that, before resorting to them, you reduce the consumption of this substance to find out if this is the cause.

6. Pressure rises

the sugar

You’ve certainly heard that salt is harmful to blood pressure. But did you know that sugar is even worse?

A study showed that it requires a greater cardiac effort because it is more complicated to be metabolized. As a result, there is an increase in pressure.

The annoyances produced by this phenomenon are very common nowadays. However, we are rarely able to establish this relationship.

In short, the reasons are multiple. But it is evident that the lack of knowledge about the food, together with the delicious taste of the candy, causes the problem.

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