6 Ways To Protect Your Home From Air Pollution

We can put in practice some tricks to keep the house well ventilated, clean and less stuffy than other environments.
6 Ways To Protect Your Home From Air Pollution

We live in a world that is increasingly suffering from the effects of pollution. The air we breathe is less and less pure. However, we can apply some tricks to make it less harmful indoors. See how to protect your home from air pollution.

Air pollution has reached such a point that virtually no corner of the world is unaffected by it. In fact,  the World Health Organization (WHO) warns in several publications about the consequences of urban air  pollution and indoor air pollution

Sources of Pollution

Origins of air pollution

In cities, we can differentiate, as we see, between environmental or outdoor pollution and urban pollution. WHO lists the following sources of gases that pollute the air we breathe every day:

  • Inefficient combustion of fossil fuels or biomass. This includes waste from cars, ovens and wood stoves.
  • Rudimentary heating and lighting techniques.
  • Chemical substances in building materials and cleaning products.
  • Homes located very close to sources of pollution, such as factories.

Here we can also add dust that comes from the outside, and pet waste, such as their small fur.

6 Ways To Protect Your Home From Air Pollution

Fortunately, we have a few ways to avoid this harmful pollution. The good thing about these recommendations is that they are easily applicable. Do not hesitate to put them into practice!

1. Have plants at home

have plants
Add a splash of color to your home with indoor plants.

Yes, it is the best solution you can consider to protect your home from air pollution. As is well known, plants have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the air we breathe and exchange it for oxygen.

However, we must have some scruples in cases of people allergic to pollen. In them, the effects can be counterproductive.

2. Use natural products to avoid air pollution

As the WHO mentions, cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to health when used ​​inappropriately and excessively. Much more in the case of aerosols, which pollute the air.

We can  use certain natural products to clean our house and therefore not have to use so many chemicals at the same time. Baking soda, borax, white vinegar and lemon are some of the most popular.

3. Avoid accumulation of dust and other substances

There are two key locations in your home that can host a large number of unhealthy substances. We are talking about the air conditioning filter and the carpet.

It is advisable to change the air conditioning filter at least once a year. Regarding the carpet, we must vacuum frequently. If we get it wet to wash it or if it accidentally gets wet, we should try to dry it immediately. If we don’t, the bacteria will spread all over the place.

In the case of houses inhabited by people with breathing difficulties, the measures must be even more extreme.

4. Do not light scented candles or smoke to avoid air pollution

We often create air pollution in our home ourselves. If we really want to protect the house from air pollution, it is better not to use scented candles that are not handmade. Or at least not for long periods of time.

On the other hand, we should avoid smoking indoors and not ventilate well afterwards. Both products (scented candles and cigarettes) contain substances that are toxic to the body.

5. Purchase an air purifier

Purchasing an air purifier

Of course, if we want to protect the house from air pollution, nothing is more effective than a purifier. This device has filters capable of absorbing almost 99% of the polluting particles. 

Thanks to this simple artifact, your environments will be cleaner, cleaner, and smell better. Without a doubt, a worthwhile investment.

6. Replace fireplaces and wood stoves

These elements have two negative consequences:

  • First,  natural resources are burned to generate heat. This, in addition to being harmful to the environment, favors the appearance of harmful substances in the air.
  • On the other hand, the ash remains will be scattered all over the place. You won’t be able to avoid breathing them.

Air pollution influences health

Air pollution is a central problem that affects 9 out of 10 people worldwide. However, we can implement some measures to avoid being hit.

As recently reported by the WHO, 7 million people die annually  from the harmful effects of substances in polluted air. Therefore, everyone must do their part, starting with cleaning the house.


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