7 Dangerous Symptoms Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Sometimes stress, daily obligations and worries make us not pay the necessary attention to some signals in our body. Check out 7 Dangerous Symptoms Women Shouldn’t Ignore.
7 Dangerous Symptoms Women Shouldn't Ignore

Women are often more concerned about others than themselves. Thus, there are times when they miss dangerous symptoms that should be analyzed more calmly.

It’s not about alarming them at all. What we intend in this article is to provide important information about different diseases and their indicators.

In addition, we seek to make everyone aware of the importance of taking care of our lifestyle to enjoy good health.

Improving our diet, properly controlling our emotions and maintaining healthy habits are some of the basic pillars of our well-being.

7 Dangerous Symptoms Women Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Urinary frequency

dangerous symptoms

Do you feel a constant urge to go to the bathroom? Urinary frequency is really common in women, a direct symptom of infection.

In some cases, we make the mistake of treating cystitis at home, deciding on our own remedies and using antibiotics. But this is something we should never do.

A urine infection can have different origins. Only our doctor has the ability to correctly diagnose the disease and indicate the most appropriate treatment for each case.

We, at home, can use some home remedies to complement, but never self-medicate.

The important thing is to know the origin of the urinary tract infection, an indicator that can hide some disease, so it is worth giving it due attention.

2. Abdominal pain

dangerous symptoms

How many times a month do you suffer from abdominal pain? This is one of the most dangerous symptoms that we should never let go of.

It can be a classic pain due to menstruation, it is possible that we are suffering from constipation or even gastritis, but it is essential to know the origin of abdominal pain.

It is very important to see a doctor immediately if, in addition to this pain, you notice that you have lost your appetite or that you are losing weight for no apparent reason.

3. persistent cough

dangerous symptoms

The cough can start with a cold, aphonia or the discomfort caused by the air conditioning that always leaves us with throat problems. It can be innocuous and fleeting.

Well, if the cough doesn’t go away, we can suspect an ongoing condition. So see a doctor.

The causes of persistent cough can be many, from a problem in the pharynx, polyps, allergies or more serious illnesses, in which a quick medium intervention can sometimes be vital.

4. Do you feel short of breath?

dangerous symptoms

You climb the stairs of your house or your work environment and notice that, with each passing day, you feel more breathlessness. Why is this happening? Sometimes we don’t care because there are days when we’re more tired than usual and we let it go.

But it’s important to be careful. Shortness of breath is one of the dangerous symptoms that we must always monitor closely, as it is often associated with heart problems. So if you also notice rapid heartbeat, chest pain, or swelling in your feet and hands, talk to your doctor.

Statistics always tell us that women, the moment they notice a symptom associated with the heart, are more reluctant than men to see a doctor.

Therefore, in recent years, the rate of deaths resulting from heart problems has increased in females. Do not hesitate to always consult your doctor!

5. Anxiety

dangerous symptoms

Anxiety states that persist over time or a stress that we don’t control properly should be addressed.

But sometimes months or even years may pass before we see an expert. Living in a constant state of anxiety is a time bomb for health.

Our entire organism undergoes changes when stress and anxiety control our lives: acidity in the stomach, poor digestion, sleep problems, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, etc.

Silent enemies that reduce our quality of life and that, if not treated properly, can cause more serious consequences.

6. Insomnia

dangerous symptoms

Do you suffer from insomnia from time to time? Is it temporary or chronic?

It is important to emphasize that not sleeping properly at night alters our entire well-being: the immune system weakens, we prevent our body from performing its detoxifying functions, cognitive abilities decrease, we have memory failures, problems with concentration, etc.

Insomnia is an enemy of our health and it is essential to know why it occurs. Emotional problems? Muscle aches? See your doctor and get a good rest every day.

7. New and strange spots

dangerous symptoms

One of those dangerous symptoms that we can never let go of is the new moles that appear on our skin. Pay close attention to its shape, its color, whether it is irregular or regular, etc.

As you already know, skin cancer is very common these days, as the incidence of the sun is increasingly strong and can cause various health problems.

Protect yourself by using, for example, makeup with sunscreen, avoid being exposed to the sun during the most intense hours of the day and, especially, pay close attention to your skin.

The moment you notice a new spot or spot, immediately consult your dermatologist. It costs nothing to take care of yourself!

Stay tuned, take care of yourself, improve your quality of life, and pay attention to all those dangerous symptoms we present in this article. Your health deserves it!

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