7 Exercises To Firm Your Butt At Home

Before starting with the butt firming routine, it is necessary to consider that at all times the back needs to be straight to avoid further back problems.

For those looking to have the perfect butt, there are great routines outside the gym that can help. In this article you will learn the most effective exercises to firm your butt and thus achieve good results in a matter of weeks.

The flaccidity of the glutes is an aesthetic problem that requires, as a first measure, effort and, secondly, frequency, in order to correct it. With regular exercise you can get the body you want.

First, before starting the butt firming routine, you must consider that at all times your back needs to be straight to avoid further back problems. What we will work on is the thigh region and not the waist.

If you experience pulling or pain in your lower back or hips, it means that you are doing the exercise incorrectly. So, you need to readjust your posture and start over. As much as we want a firm butt, we cannot neglect our back and end up causing injuries.

Exercises can be done either at the gym or in your living room. The important thing is that the routine is constant, that the exercises are repeated at least three times a week and that your diet is healthy, after all, it won’t do any good to try so hard and then eat anything. And, above all, don’t forget to drink at least two liters of water daily, whether or not you practice these exercises.

How to firm the butt

The best exercises to firm the butt


This type of exercise to strengthen the gluteal muscles is, without a doubt, the best known. It is an essential exercise in any program that has this purpose. It can be done with different variants, using a barbell with weights, dumbbells or simply your own body weight to generate resistance, for example.

Standing, spread your legs to shoulder width apart. If you use dumbbells, they can be on your sides (one in each hand) or with your arms straight towards your back (at shoulder height). If you choose weight bars, pass them behind your head and support them with your shoulders.

Bend your knees so that your body lowers a little, let your thighs parallel to the floor and in an imaginary straight line, make sure your knees don’t go over your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting posture. The movement must be slow and leisurely.

Half squat or push

Half squat or push to firm butt

It’s one of the variations of the squat explained in the previous exercise, as it also serves to firm your butt. That way, the position is the same and you can also use your own body, barbell, or dumbbells as resistance.

Your feet should be in line with your shoulders. Instead of lowering to the floor, what you should do is step forward with your foot, as exaggerated as you can without losing your balance. Keep your shoulders above your hips. The leg that was left behind should also be bent from the knee so that it touches the ground. The front knee must not pass the line of the toes. Return to starting position and then repeat with the other leg. Intersperse and do the same amount of positions for each leg.

Exercises to firm the butt

hip extension

Lying facedown on a gym bench (or your bed, for example), your hips should be at the far end (where the bed or bench ends) and your feet hanging down.

Raise both legs at the same time, pushing with the muscles in your thighs and glutes. Legs should be at hip height. Hold this position and alternate as if you were moving your legs when swimming but in the air. When one leg is closer to the chest, the other will be at hip height, and both will meet.

Hip extension to firm the butt

Elevations to firm the butt

Standing in front of a bench or chair that is strong and tall, bend one knee at a 90° angle and stand on it. Place your right foot on the bench and lift your body using the strength of your thigh and buttock muscles.

Stretch as much as possible, as the idea is for the leg to be fully stretched. The left leg should not touch the bench, but you can stand on tiptoe. Hold the pose for a few seconds and come down straight. Repeat the exercise five times with this leg before switching to the other.

Elevation exercises to firm the butt

Gluteal pressure

Place your knees, elbows and forearms on the floor. The knees should follow the same alignment as the hips. Your elbows should be in a straight line with your shoulders. Squeeze your stomach and straighten your back.

Now lift your left leg until your knee is at hip height, bent. Squeeze your glutes for three seconds and lower, returning to the starting posture. In order to balance the exercise, do fifteen reps before moving to the other leg.

firm the butt

kick to firm the butt

Start the exercise with the same posture taught in the previous one, then resting your elbows, knees and forearms on the floor. Squeeze your abdomen and lift your right leg at hip height, bending your knee.

The kick can be done either upwards (as if the sole of the foot touches the ceiling) or backwards, stretching the leg and making it straight. In either case, hold the position for a few seconds. Repeat the movement eight times and change legs. For the exercise to have more resistance you can use weights attached to your ankles.

Exercise to firm the butt

pelvis lifting

Lie face up on a mat, place the soles of your feet on the floor, bending your knees. Leave your arms at your sides, then lift your pelvis as far as it will go, applying pressure with your buttocks and thighs. The back should be diagonally across the floor.

Hold the pose for a few seconds and return to the starting posture without touching the mat with your glutes. Repeat the exercise ten times, rest and then start again. A variation is putting a weight on the abdomen.

Pelvis lifting to firm the butt

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