7 Natural Remedies To Prevent And Fight Psoriasis

In addition to taking advantage of the properties of these remedies, it is very important to control stress, as it can also trigger flare-ups of the disease.
7 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Fight Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is difficult to treat and tends to get worse with age. Any factor can trigger an outbreak or worsening of this disease, such as food, a stressful situation or a sudden change of climate.

Discover in this article the 7 best natural and home remedies to prevent and fight psoriasis. With patience and constancy we can stop the advance of this disease or even notice a remarkable improvement.

conditioning factors

If we are going to take a natural treatment for psoriasis, we must take into account the factors that influence it.

As with any health problem, the diet must be healthy and the nervous system must be balanced. In addition, we should avoid harmful habits, such as smoking or alcohol, and exercise regularly.

The proper diet

Some foods should be avoided to fight psoriasis

Food is essential to fight psoriasis, as it could be one of its main causes.

Both the food we consume and the way we eat are habits that we must gradually improve. In this way, we can stop the progress of this pathology.

  • Increase your intake of natural foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds).
  • Avoid the consumption of refined flour.
  • Replace white sugar with natural sweeteners (stevia, coconut sugar, honey, etc.).
  • Cut down on cooked, fried and processed foods.
  • Avoid dairy products.

Want to know more? What are the dairy products with the least lactose

The nervous system and stress

Nervous disorders, such as anxiety or stress, also affect this disease. Furthermore, they can trigger punctual attacks of inflammation and itching.

Therefore, it is very important to balance the nervous system in a natural way. For this, we offer the following tips:

  • Exercise two or three times a week.
  • Get a good night’s rest.
  • Consume Bach flowers.
  • If necessary, drink teas made from relaxing plants (melissa, passionflower, lime).

Psoriasis Remedies

1. Clay and cucumber poultice

Cucumber in poultice helps fight psoriasis

Clay is a very beneficial natural product to treat psoriasis for three reasons:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Absorbs and eliminates skin toxins
  • Contains minerals

But clay can also dry out the skin, which doesn’t do any good, especially for those suffering from psoriasis.

For this reason, we recommend mixing it with cucumber juice instead of water. In this way, the poultice will also bring hydration, freshness and relief to the skin.

2. Licorice bath

Licorice has a similar effect to cortisone. However, it does not have the same health side effects.

Thus, it is an excellent natural remedy for a soothing bath, especially if we suffer from psoriasis in different parts of the body.

3. sea water

Sea water helps fight psoriasis

Seawater is one of the simplest and cheapest natural remedies we can use. Its great remineralizing power, together with its antiseptic and alkalizing properties, make it an ideal choice to apply to the skin.

  • The ideal is to take a bath on the beach. But we can also apply it at home with a spray bottle.

4. Carrot plaster

Carrots, rich in antioxidants, are very beneficial for all kinds of skin problems.

  • For this reason, we can grate it, wrap it in a mesh, and apply this plaster over the affected area.
  • We must be constant and perform this procedure every day to realize the benefits.

5. Aloe vera, inside and out

Aloe Vera Helps Fight Psoriasis

Aloe vera is an indispensable plant for us. By drinking its juice, we favor the proper functioning of the intestine. This organ is closely related to psoriasis and we must avoid constipation.

In addition, its topical application is also great, as it soothes, hydrates and regenerates the skin.

6. Linseed oil

The omega 3 essential fatty acids contained in flaxseed are very beneficial for the health of the skin, especially for treating psoriasis, as they nourish from the inside out and prevent dryness and itching.

7. Coconut and Geranium Oil

Coconut Oil Helps Fight Psoriasis

Extra virgin coconut oil is a very effective fat for controlling psoriasis, thanks to its fatty acids.

  • By combining it with the essential oil of geranium, we get a natural product that nourishes dry skin, facilitates dermis regeneration and reduces inflammation.

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