8 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mother And Baby

The breastfeeding period brings important benefits both for the baby’s development and for the mother’s recovery. We tell you why it is so recommended to breastfeed.
8 Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby

The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby are indisputable. Not only does it allow for a special bond to be established between them, but it is also  the main route for supplying nutrients and antibodies; essential for the development of the newborn.

Breast milk is a complete food that can cover all the child’s energy and nutritional needs in its first few months. Furthermore, it  continues to complement food in the first and second year of life; bringing interesting properties.

According to information from  the World Health Organization (WHO),  breastfeeding reduces the risk of infant mortality and favors the baby’s sensory and cognitive development. So, although it takes time and practice, it is irreplaceable and necessary.

Important benefits of breastfeeding

That breastfeeding is recommended by doctors, pediatricians and nutrition experts is not a mere coincidence. Although each woman can assume it in different ways,  in general it is a process that affects the health and education of children in different ways.

Benefits of breastfeeding: connection between mother and child

But what other benefits does it bring?

1. The baby receives all the necessary nutrients

Although formula milk has improved considerably in recent years, it still does not meet the same nutritional quality as breast milk. Therefore,  one of the main benefits of breastfeeding is that babies have a complete and balanced diet.

Breastfeeding provides adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In addition, it brings digestive proteins, vitamins and trace elements that are crucial in the baby’s growth and formation process.

2. Favors postpartum recovery

Feeding the medium through breastfeeding helps to increase oxytocin production; key hormone for postpartum recovery. This substance helps the uterus regain its normal size,  reducing bleeding in less time.

3. Strengthens the baby’s immune system

Nutrients contained in breast milk, as well as immunoglobulins, are crucial in strengthening the baby’s immune system. Therefore,  breastfeeding increases the newborn’s immunity and reduces the risk of allergies and infections.

4. Helps you lose weight

One of the goals after giving birth is to regain body and weight. Did you know that one of the benefits of breastfeeding is losing weight? Although it is necessary to complement with other healthy habits,  breastfeeding helps to consume between 450 to 500 calories a day.

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight

5. Boosts brain development

Babies who are breastfed for the first six months of life have better brain development. In fact, it is  advisable to extend this diet in the first two years for better higher cognitive development (language and motor skills).

6. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis

During the breastfeeding period, there is a bone remineralization process that reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the mother. When breastfeeding, it is possible to reabsorb the minerals that, in pregnancy, were destined for the baby’s development.

On the other hand, it generates a mobilization of bone deposits that increases the calcium content in the blood. All of this, together,  favors the strengthening of bone parts and prevents degenerative diseases in the future.

7. Protects the baby’s digestive system

The digestive system of newborns is not yet fully developed. However,  the composition of breast milk is very adaptable to its capabilities. This food is easily assimilated and prevents problems such as colic, diarrhea and constipation.

8. It’s more economical

Without a doubt, one of the most outstanding benefits of breastfeeding is that it is free and much more complete than any supplement. It is only enough to encourage adequate milk production through healthy habits and good nutrition.

Breastfeeding is free!

This means that during the first six months of life it is an excellent way to save money. Newborn supplements are very expensive and not always well assimilated. Furthermore, they entail additional expenses for baby bottles, sterilized water and other supplements.

Need more reasons to enjoy breastfeeding your baby? As you can see,  the benefits are many. Plus, it’s a great way to get closer to your child to make him feel safe and loved.

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