8 Early Throat Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

This type of cancer compromises the health of the pharynx, larynx, esophagus and tonsils, due to the abnormal growth of its cells.
8 Early Throat Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Throat cancer is a disease that consists of malignant tumors in the area of ​​the pharynx, larynx or tonsils. That is, everything we understand as a throat.

Although it can affect anyone, it is more likely to develop when you are a smoker or when a human papillomavirus (HPV) attack occurs.

Knowing the risk factors and certain symptoms can help you to see a doctor in time. In this sense, it is clear that early detection is crucial to increase the chances of treatment success.

To get an early diagnosis, it is very important to know the possible early symptoms of throat cancer and see a doctor for an evaluation.

1. Hoarseness or voice changes

Abnormal growth of cells in the throat can start in the vocal cords. Therefore, one of the first manifestations of the disease is noticeable changes in the tone of voice.

Prolonging hoarseness for more than three weeks or a sudden change in voice are sufficient reasons to consult a specialist. Sometimes its origins are infections in the region or problems associated with smoking. Despite this, it is necessary to consider that it may be due to throat cancer.

woman with sore throat

2. Sore throat

It is difficult to regard a simple sore throat as a symptom of cancer. This discomfort is often the result of a common infection or illness of the respiratory system. However, when it becomes persistent or appears intermittently, it is essential to know why it originates.

The appearance of tumors in the region can lead to the recurrence of this symptom. In fact, it manifests itself more intensely when swallowing or straining the voice.

3. Constant bad breath

A bad breath problem that doesn’t go away with good oral hygiene habits can alert us to an underlying condition that requires greater care. While it’s not always necessary to turn on the cancer alert, we can’t rule out this symptom either.

Patients who develop this disease often have great difficulty controlling the bad odor in their mouth, which persists even with the use of mouthwashes and special products.

4. Sensation of suffocation

The feeling of suffocation, also known as dyspnea or shortness of breath, is a symptom that can alert us to an obstruction in the airways. It appears as a result of a serious infection in the system, but also due to the presence of tumors.

5. Lump in the neck

The appearance of lumps in the neck can have many origins. In this particular case, it usually occurs because the tumor is able to spread to the lymph nodes located in the throat region. This sign should be considered a reason to schedule an immediate medical appointment, as it originates when the cancer starts to get worse.

According to experts at the American Cancer Association, other possible signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal and oral cavity cancer are:

  • Nodules or thickening on the cheek.
  • A lump or mass in the neck.

6. Need to cough

Patients with respiratory illnesses or allergies often have a recurrent cough due to the immune system’s response to the presence of foreign agents.

When there is a problem in the throat, a tube that is part of the respiratory system, this symptom can become more chronic. At first, it manifests as a dry cough, accompanied by irritation. Later, when the tumor advances, it can create ulcers and cause bleeding.

7. Noisy breathing

When the tumor is not treated early, cancer cells continue to divide and cause severe tissue damage in the affected region. As a result, there is an obstruction of the respiratory ducts, which manifests itself with a strange sound every time the person inhales.

This noise is known as “laryngeal stridor” and is the result of the narrowing of the opening between the vocal cords. If not treated as soon as possible, cancer can completely block this space and cause complications such as suffocation and death.

8. Difficulty swallowing

Most throat cancer patients begin to experience significant weight loss due to difficulty chewing, swallowing, or swallowing food.

The presence of tumors narrows the opening of the esophagus and causes food to become trapped when ingested. In turn, there is muscle weakness that increases episodes of acid reflux.

Doubts? Be sure to consult the doctor

In the presence of several of these symptoms and concerns about your health condition, see your doctor for an evaluation as soon as possible. The professional will make an evaluation and inform you if it is throat cancer or not, and also what is the best treatment option for you.

To determine if it’s cancer, your doctor may order an endoscopy or imaging tests.

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