8 Natural Remedies For White Tongue

Maintaining good lifestyle habits and visiting the dentist at least twice a year is essential to avoid problems like white tongue and bad breath.
8 Natural Remedies for White Tongue

Want to get rid of the white tongue so you can show it again in pink on any selfie? So, pay attention to the solutions and data that we will reveal to you in this article.

When the tongue is healthy, its color is pink and its surface is covered with small nodules or papillae. However, sometimes a white layer forms on the tongue. In these cases, it is possible that this occurs as a result of some illnesses such as lupus, syphilis, jaundice and oral thrush.

If your doctor has ruled out these diseases, the cause of a white tongue is not a serious problem and is only temporary. In any case, it can disappear after implementing certain hygiene measures.

A white tongue is a common problem for those who do not maintain good oral hygiene. Therefore, it is essential to correctly clean the entire mouth, not just the teeth. 

In addition to harming aesthetics and personal image, a white tongue can even alter the taste of food, cause bad breath and other inconveniences.

What can make the tongue white?

It is essential to properly clean the entire mouth, not just the teeth.

In addition to the diseases mentioned,  there are other factors that contribute to the appearance of this whitish color on the tongue. Among them are:

  • Fever
  • Bacteria
  • dead cells
  • food scraps
  • Intake of antibiotics and medications
  • Inflamed papillae or dryness due to dehydration
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco and foods that are very acidic or high in sugar

How to prevent the tongue from turning white?

According to popular wisdom, the best solution to keep your tongue from turning white is a balanced diet to clean your body and boost your defenses.

  • Drink a sufficient amount of water; at least 4 glasses a day.
  • Avoid consuming soft drinks and processed beverages. 
  • Once a day, have some plain, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Eat raw vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and onions).
  • Eat fruits daily and not just those rich in vitamin C (orange, tangerine, kiwi, strawberry and pineapple).

Note: if even with good habits you still have a white tongue, see a doctor.

Natural Remedies for White Tongue

Although not scientifically proven, the following remedies to treat white tongue are recommended by popular knowledge and practice. Use them with caution.

1. Coarse salt

Salt works as a natural exfoliant for the tongue and helps to remove dead cells and other accumulated dirt particles.

Salt is one of the best home remedies for treating white tongue. It works as a natural tongue exfoliant and helps to remove dead cells and other accumulated dirt particles. You can use it to gargle by adding a little rock salt to a glass of warm water or following the steps below.

What you should do:

  • First, put some salt on your tongue.
  • Then, with the help of a toothbrush, scrub gently for a minute.
  • Then rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day.

2. Turmeric

Another of the home remedies that can help you get rid of white tongue is the following mixture with turmeric, the famous spice with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, according to data from some recent studies.


  • One teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon

What you should do:

  • Mix turmeric with lemon juice to form a paste.
  • Rub this paste on your tongue and let it act for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Repeat this procedure once a day for 3 or 5 days.

Another option is to gargle twice a day with a mixture of half a teaspoon of turmeric (3 g) and 1 cup of water (200 ml).

 3. Natural yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics that eliminate mold

This is another effective product to treat white tongue. Yogurt contains probiotics that kill the fungi  that are sometimes the cause of this condition.

Just consume one yogurt (125 ml) a day. So, in addition to improving your tongue’s health, you’ll get benefits for your intestinal health.

4. Sodium bicarbonate

Although it is a highly recommended remedy in the popular milieu, chemists like Deborah GarcĂ­a Bello advise against it, as they point out that bicarbonate is an abrasive substance that can easily burn the skin and mucous membranes.


  • One teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • The required amount of water.

What you should do:

  • Mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste.
  • Rinse your mouth for a few seconds, at most once a week.

5. Garlic

All you need to do is chew one clove of garlic a day. If that idea doesn’t appeal to you, you can add it to your meals.

 6. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice is another remedy you can try to get rid of white tongue. You can buy it ready-made or prepare it at home, with just a few ingredients.


  • Two tablespoons of aloe vera juice (20 ml).
  • Water

What you should do:

  • First, gargle with a tablespoon of aloe juice for 3 minutes.
  • Spit out after the indicated time.
  • Finally, take another tablespoon of aloe vera juice.

7. Vegetable glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is another natural remedy for white tongue treatment.

Vegetable glycerin is another natural remedy for treating white tongue, especially when it is caused by dry mouth. It also helps against bad breath. You can find it at health food stores.


  • Half a tablespoon of vegetable glycerin (3 ml)

What you should do:

  • Put a little vegetable glycerin in your mouth and brush gently.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.

8. Coconut oil

This oil has antibacterial properties that aid in oral hygiene care. Just brush your tongue with a little oil in the morning and then rinse your mouth normally.

Additional Advice for Treating White Tongue

There are other habits you can adopt to treat white tongue. They are very simple:

  • Eat fresh fruit, without sugar or other topping.
  • Drink enough water  to keep your tongue clean and avoid food scraps.
  • Gargle with lukewarm water periodically, especially after meals to prevent food build-up on the tongue and mouth.
  • When brushing your teeth, always brush your tongue. 

These are just a few remedies that can help you treat white tongue. However, if the problem persists, see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the white tongue is accompanied by pain and inflammation.

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