8 Reasons To Love Dancing And Practice It Every Day

You don’t have to be a professional dancer or dancer to let yourself be infected with the happy rhythms, which invite us to move our bodies alone, in pairs or in groups.
8 reasons to love dancing and practice it every day

Dancing is one of the most pleasurable activities that exist in the opinion of many people. You don’t have to be a professional dancer or dancer to let yourself be infected with the happy rhythms, which invite us to move our bodies alone, in pairs or in groups.

As it is an exercise with many health benefits, nowadays, dance is considered a type of exercise that everyone can practice to keep in shape, both physically and mentally.

For many people, it’s much easier to exercise to the music than with traditional aerobics or weight machines.

Since ancient times, dance has been part of rituals, celebrations and moments when we want to express emotions freely. Nowadays, it has become a great therapy against disorders that affect the body and emotions.

Best of all, there is no age limit; dancing is very dynamic and can be adopted as a healthy daily routine to enjoy all its benefits.

Below, we’ll share 8 good reasons to love and practice dancing regularly. You will be surprised!

1. Dance strengthens the muscles


Each of the dance styles requires the work of certain groups of muscles that are strengthened through repetition of the movements.

This means that, with your regular practice, you can increase your physical endurance without suffering from fatigue or other unwanted effects.

Styles like ballet, salsa or forró are very good for strengthening and toning your legs. Flamenco is good for strengthening the thighs, glutes and arms.

2. Good for cardiovascular health

Like all aerobic exercise, dancing helps protect the health of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

This activity lowers blood pressure, improves circulation and promotes the elimination of cholesterol, preventing brain damage and heart attacks.

To get these benefits, you need to practice between 30 and 40 minutes of dancing, about three to four times a week.

3. Helps you lose weight

dancing woman

The faster and more joyful the rhythm you are dancing, the greater your caloric expenditure and weight loss. With a 40-minute dance routine, you can burn between 200 and 400 calories, which helps to keep your body in shape.

4. Dancing is good for brain health

The effects of dance also reach the brain. Dancing helps keep your memory active and skills that allow you to do multiple things at once.

It has been shown that people who dance regularly are less likely to develop dementia and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

5. Provides a feeling of well-being

Women smiling

Dance is a great therapy to reduce symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that directly affect quality of life.

The practice of dancing stimulates the secretion of serotonin and endorphins, also known as happiness hormones.

6. Dancing improves self-esteem and self-confidence

More than a physical activity, dancing is a way to express emotions and personality. Dancing is a way to connect body and soul to cultivate good emotions, such as self-esteem and confidence.

Learning to dance is a way to excel and transmit an experience that causes some satisfaction.

For all that, it is a good way to increase self-love and security to do many other activities in society.

7. Increases flexibility, agility and motor coordination

Dance class

Before starting dance classes, warm-up and stretching exercises are recommended.  The movements that are performed with the body to follow each rhythm help to develop flexibility, agility and coordination.

These abilities provide important benefits for the body in general, especially when there is a risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

8. Strengthens joints and bones

Regular dance practice helps to conserve bone density, which tends to decrease in women who reach menopause.

On the other hand, the joints also benefit, as dancing helps keep them lubricated to prevent cartilage wear and the development of arthritis.

Ready to start dancing? As you can see, it’s really good for the body and it’s a really fun way to work and shape the body.

Start dancing several times a week and, little by little, convert this exercise into a complement to your activities to tone your body and maintain your weight.

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