9 Foods That Help Burn Fat

There are foods that help burn fat that, like celery, require more energy to process them compared to the calories they provide, so they help us lose weight.
9 Foods That Help Burn Fat

Do you want to lose weight taking advantage of the benefits of food? Are you tired of doing super restrictive diets that make you hungry? For this, it  is best to choose a varied menu rich in foods that help burn fat.

You need to know that nature offers us a wide variety of foods that help burn fat and facilitate the weight loss process.

Remember that you must not abuse at any time and it is always good to have the advice of a doctor or a nutritionist. If you have any illness, always try to consult the two professionals.

Also, in any case, remember that there are no miracle cures. Therefore, you should always combine the consumption of these foods with a balanced diet and a healthy life in which you exercise regularly.

Foods That Help Burn Fat

1. Eggs

Including eggs in your daily diet can help burn fat

The first of the foods that help burn fat is eggs. Maybe you think that because of the yolk it’s a bad option. However, in addition to providing many benefits and having a low cost, it is one of the most important sources of protein.

It’s a good idea to replace high-calorie breakfasts with eggs served in different ways. Remember not to consume more than two eggs a day.

The best recipes include vegetables and a minimal amount of fat. You can only eat the whites if you prefer to stay away from any fat, although this is not necessary.

2. Celery

Celery reduces fat in the body and provides us with a high  water and fiber content that allows for rapid digestion of food.

By consuming it in vitamin C-rich fruit drinks, soups and salads, you can better enjoy its cleansing and laxative characteristics.

This is one of the best foods to promote fat burning because  the body burns more calories than it gets to process it.

For its benefits, we recommend that you always have some celery sprigs at home. As one of the easiest vegetables to grow, you can save a lot if you decide to have a small garden at home.

3. Spicy foods

Maybe you haven’t heard of the great fat-burning advantage of spicy foods.

You need to know that these foods are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.  The capsaicin they contain helps to dilute the fat that accumulates in the body.

It is not necessary to consume very spicy foods. You can add a pepper to your recipes to enjoy the benefits without the flavor getting too strong.

4. Green tea

Green tea can help burn fat

Green tea is the most recommended on the list of foods that help burn fat. The ideal is to consume 3 to 4 cups daily.

Its characteristics as an antioxidant help to purify the body and speed up metabolism.

If the drink tastes too bitter or you don’t like it, use it as a base for your drinks.

5. Yogurt

Known for centuries, it is said that the Greeks kept their bodies thin by consuming this food.

But of course, it’s not worth any yogurt. To really lose weight and burn fat,  you need to choose a  low-fat natural yogurt that is free of sugars and preservatives.

Unfortunately, this is not that simple, as many commercial brands include these two elements, so you should always review nutrition labels.

If you don’t like the taste of plain yogurt, you can add a piece of fresh fruit or a teaspoon of honey.

6. Fish

Eating fish can help burn body fat

This is another one of the foods that help burn body fat. The best options are:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • snapper
  • Sardine

These species of fish speed up metabolism and are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, so they  combat the accumulation of fat in the veins and arteries.

7. soy milk

The proteins in soy milk make it one of the ideal fat burning foods as they  make us feel full while providing calcium and vitamins.

Soy milk has the advantage of being easy to combine, so you can:

  • Beat it with a fruit for flavor.
  • Use it as a base for your drinks.
  • Accompany it with whole grains like oats.

8. Whole grains

What kind of cereals do you incorporate into your daily diet? Most usually opt for refined cereals such as white rice or common pasta.

It is always better to use healthier options, such as:

  • Wild or brown rice
  • Corn
  • Whole wheat
  • Oat

Also, prioritizing the whole versions is better because the  body uses twice as much energy to digest them. This causes the burning of body fat to continue.

The refined option is not recommended, and even less those that contain some type of sweetener, as they are not effective as foods that help burn fat.

9. Fruits

Eating Fruit Regularly Can Help Burn Fat

Fruits are foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They are essential in any diet, as most contain large amounts of water.

Although many can help us reduce body fat levels, the best ones are:

  • Melon
  • watermelon
  • Citrus (grapefruit, orange, lemon)
  • Papaya
  • Apple
  • Grape

However, one thing you need to be careful about is quantity. You won’t gain weight by eating too much fruit, but you  can compromise your blood sugar levels by falling into excess.


There are no miracle ingredients. No food will make you lose weight simply by consuming it. In this sense, you should take into account that only a balanced diet, good hydration and regular exercise can help you lose weight effectively.

These foods, rich in fiber or protein, will help you to activate your metabolism and satiate you.

However, losing weight is an integral effort you must make to reach your goal.

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