9 Remedies To Cure Blisters

To cure blisters and relieve both pain and other possible discomfort, it is convenient to apply moisturizing solutions that help us regenerate the skin and encourage its healing.

We’ve all had blisters on our feet at some point  and we know how uncomfortable they can be.

Pay attention to these remedies that will allow you to treat this problem simply and quickly, avoiding the uncomfortable pain they cause.

As you know, a blister is a small, inflamed, raised pouch of skin that contains fluid inside.

Blisters  form on the hands and feet due to rubbing and pressure.

Although they only require medical care, if they develop an infection, there are remedies that can be very useful and will allow them to be treated more quickly.

1. Cure bubbles with salt water

To get rid of blisters, simply soak your feet or the affected area in hot water mixed with plenty of salt.

  • Salt water will help disinfect the blister, so it will eliminate bacteria that could cause an infection.
  • Besides, it stimulates circulation and speeds up the cell renewal process, so you’ll be able to make it dry beforehand.

2. Enjoy the properties of garlic

garlic to treat blisters

Garlic has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes for its antibacterial properties, which are also ideal for protecting blisters from infection.

As if that were not enough, it  is a product that helps in cell regeneration,  although you should use it with care, as it can irritate the skin.

What to do?

  • To be useful with your blisters, you’ll just have to peel a clove of garlic and rub it on the affected area.
  • You can also hold it against the blister with the help of gauze for about 5 to 10 minutes and that’s it.

3. With aloe

Aloe vera or aloe vera is  one of the most recommended natural remedies for its healing properties.

It is ideal when it comes to blisters as it penetrates the skin very easily.

In addition, its moisturizing properties will also help speed healing and reduce blister inflammation.

What to do?

  • To get the juice from the aloe we simply have to cut the leaf of the plant, both transversely and lengthwise.
  • Apply this watery gel directly to the affected area, and then you will notice improvement.

4. Calendula

Calendula medicine to treat blisters

Calendula is a plant with great medicinal properties.

  • Applying calendula ointment or some product based on this plant can be an excellent solution to fight blisters.
  • It speeds up healing because it helps to produce collagen that stimulates epithelialization.

5. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is ideal for healing wounds, in fact it also works as an antibiotic.

Its topical application is one of the most used home remedies to clean wounds and eliminate bacteria.

Thanks to the antiseptic power of its acetic acid, it could help prevent infection once the blister appears.

  • Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water, then apply to the affected area. You will see how the bubble improves remarkably.

6. Cornmeal

Cornmeal to relieve blister pain

Cornmeal can be very useful in case the bubble has burst.


  • 1 tablespoon of corn flour (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

What to do?

  • Mix cornflour with honey until it forms a paste.
  • Then apply it to the affected area. This way you will avoid a possible infection.

7. Vaseline

Vaseline is very effective against blisters. However, as it is a little sticky, it is best to use it at night so that it is not too uncomfortable.

What to do?

If you have a blister and you have Vaseline at home, apply it and you will notice an improvement.

8. Carrot paste

Thanks to its properties,  carrots are very suitable for skin care  and will help your blister to improve.

What to do?

  • Grate a carrot, form a paste and apply it to the affected area.
  • Keep the mixture for about 15 minutes and then remove it.

9. Better safe than sorry

If you have excessively sensitive skin or prone to irritation, it is recommended to rub the area with alcohol before doing activities that may cause friction in the area.

You can also  apply an adhesive tape or a pad as this will prevent the formation of bubbles that  form by rubbing.

It’s just that prevention is often better than cure, so keep this in mind if you’re going to be exposed to a long walk or something similar.

VERY IMPORTANT: Always consult your doctor before using preparations, even with natural products.

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