12 Ways To Cut Calories From Your Dishes

In addition to choosing food, to reduce calories, we must also take into account several aspects to avoid the anxiety of eating and thus not ruin the diet. Get to know some tips in this article.
12 ways to cut calories from your dishes

To lose weight, it is not necessary to live permanently on a restrictive eating plan. Knowing which foods are healthy is enough to prioritize them. It is not necessary to exclude desserts. To help you build a good match between them, we’ll show you how to cut calories from your dishes.

Obviously, it is necessary to resort to planning and organizing a balanced diet.

However, it’s not about living with bonds: diets are a tool that offers benefits that you get every day, until they become organic and natural.

Remember that healthy eating should be a lifestyle and not a penance. Therefore, you shouldn’t stop eating the foods you like the most, which usually provide the most calories.

There are ways to cut calories from dishes and add more nutrients. We’ll talk more about them later.

12 tips to cut calories and cook with more nutrients

Your goal should be this: that each meal contains more nutrients than calories. This way, your body will be optimized to fulfill its daily functions and the fat will gradually disappear from your organism.

In addition, you will have more energy to carry out all your activities and will ward off illnesses.

If you want to reduce calories, follow these tips on the composition of dishes:

1. To cut calories from the diet, add more fresh fruits and vegetables

fresh fruits and vegetables to cut calories

It’s a great idea to trick your brain, because you’ll see more volume on the dishes. In addition, you will provide your body with more fiber, minerals and vitamins. Of course, remember that when you cook these foods, they lose their properties.

2. Avoid frozen and pre-cooked foods

We refer to industrialized products. From the beginning, they should be eliminated because they are sources of bad fats, sodium and sugars that translate into too many calories. Choose to cook at home: you will have more delicious and healthier dishes.

3. Want to cut calories? No fried food!

By frying the elements, you take away their properties, vitamins and minerals and, at the same time, add calories with fat. Try baking or steaming.

4. Pay attention to the amount of oil you use

Raw and pure oils are an excellent choice, such as olive oil. However, when you cook, they become harmful. The oil can be used to season salads and dishes.

Remember that any fatty body should be consumed in moderation. As natural as it is, anything in excess causes damage.

5. Decrease the amount of sugar

Use stevia instead of sugar to reduce calories in your dishes.

That should sound familiar to you. You already know that excess sugar is harmful and translates into illness. So, replace it with natural sweeteners like stevia. So you can reduce calories and get very tasty dishes.

Now, to cut down on calories, you should also consider a few more tips in your overall diet. With them you can organize your daily diet and guarantee the supply of nutrients. Are the following:

6. Eat 5 meals a day and cut calories

Snacks should be light, so you can control the amounts of main meals as you won’t feel much of an appetite. Also, you will start eating in smaller portions. Don’t skip breakfast and make sure dinner is light.

7. To reduce calories, organize the diet into balanced menus

For this, it is good to follow the Mediterranean diet, with which you can opt for natural and seasonal foods. In this diet, fruits and vegetables stand out, and the best known ways of cooking are roasting, steaming or grilling.

8. Don’t shy away from anything

It is not necessary to remove any food from your diet, because with this decision you will only generate anxiety. From time to time, eat a dessert or that sweet you love so much. Maybe that brings a lot of calories, but then you’ll have time to recover.

  • Don’t deprive yourself of dinner with your friends, parties or office events. Even on these occasions, you can opt for healthy meals.

9. The starter is important

Include healthy soups in your dishes

For the first course, choose healthy foods such as vegetables, soups, purees, eggs or salads. The important thing is that they are dishes with low caloric density.

10. For the second dish, choose white meat

Here you must avoid fats. So choose poultry, turkey or white fish. Steam or bake them.

11. Fruits are a good dessert option if you want to cut down on calories

Once you control what you eat for the first and second course, you should pay much more attention to dessert. We know that you usually choose sweets, cakes, ice creams or creams, all high in sugar. But that ‘s a bad decision if you’re not on your “allowed” day.

  • We recommend seasonal fruits as they will give your diet dynamism. You can also choose low-fat dairy products or natural juices.

12. Decrease calories by decreasing your bread intake

To reduce calories from dishes, it is essential to limit bread consumption. This recommendation exists because bread provides a lot of carbohydrates that can be turned into body fat. But you can still opt for the whole grains as they have a high level of fiber.

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