How To Take Care Of Your Hands To Keep Them Young

The appearance of the hands reveals our age, as the face does. Learn to care for your hands to prevent premature aging.
How to take care of your hands to keep them young

Have you ever noticed that the skin on your hands is thinner and more delicate than on other parts of the body? Well, for that very reason, they need special protection so that they remain lush, soft and free from stains throughout their lives. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about taking care of your hands.

Like the face, the hands are always uncovered, directly exposed to sunlight, without the protection of clothing or other barriers, so they tend to receive a lot of light and present the typical symptoms of photo aging (damage caused by excessive sunlight).

You may notice wrinkles, blemishes and darkening and thinning of the skin.

We are all exposed to the sun, even those who don’t go to the beach much. Brazil is a country with a tropical climate with high temperatures throughout the year and in much of the territory.

Whether driving or just walking down the street on a normal weekday, you’re exposing your hands to the sun, as well as your face, neck and lap, areas that also deserve attention.


Sunscreen, always for hand care

Faced with the constant threat of the sun, the number one recommendation of dermatologists is the use of sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30, for those with darker skin, or at least 60 for people with very light skin.

Use sunscreen daily, not just at the beach. In addition to the face, apply to the neck, neck, hands and arms, reapplying after excessive sweating or bathing.

Prefer products with a non-greasy consistency, that do not stain clothes or have perfume.

Use of gloves to care for the hands

Household tasks necessitate the use of cleaning products filled with chemicals corrosive to the skin on your hands.

Powdered soap, dish detergent, assorted soaps and other hygienic products, such as simple alcohol, dry out the skin and should not be kept in contact with the hands for a long time.

So, always try to work wearing gloves, to prevent premature aging of the hands.

Whenever possible, also try to clean the house with natural products, such as those that use baking soda, salt, vinegar and lemon, and which damage the skin much less.

gentle hands

Daily hydration for hand care

One of the simplest tests performed to find out if the skin is hydrated is to pull the skin from your hands and see if the skin quickly returns to normal or if it takes a while.

If it comes back quickly, it is hydrated and elastic, but if it takes a while, it’s a sign that the person needs to drink more water and take care of the skin. It can also indicate nutritional deficiencies.

Drink at least two liters of water a day, and moisturize the skin on your hands with products based on ingredients such as:

  • rose hip oil
  • almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe vera (aloe)
  • Karite butter

If you find these “natural” oils and butters, you can also apply them directly to the skin of your hands. It will be even better as they contain less harmful chemicals.

Weekly hand exfoliation


At least twice a week, remove dead cells by exfoliating your hands. A simple and effective recipe is to mix honey with crystal sugar, or use oatmeal and plain yogurt if your skin is very delicate. Olive oil and coarse salt is also a good homemade hand scrub recipe.

Gently massage your hands with the scrubs of your choice.

cold hands

Very cold hands and feet can be a symptom of something more serious, such as circulatory problems. Some people, however, do not have any cold-related hand ailments, and can benefit from massages with stimulating substances such as ginger and pepper.

Nails also deserve attention. Examine them to see if they are strong or brittle, if they have white spots (a possible sign of nutritional deficiencies), and if they are developing healthily. For that, don’t forget to invest in a balanced diet.


hands reveal our age

Remember that the hands reveal our age, as the face does. It’s important to take care of your whole body, not just your face and hair. Stained, wrinkled, and dehydrated hands can give the impression that a person is much older than they really are.

Therefore, hand care should be on everyone’s beauty care list, always trying to prevent aging rather than remedy it.

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