A Wolf Does Not Abandon His Dreams Because Of The Opinion Of Sheep

Since opinions are not absolute truths, we must learn to relativize and not let them affect us too much; so as not to damage our self-esteem.

It was Eleanor Roosevelt who once said,  “No one can make you feel inferior if you don’t allow it.” But, believe it or not,  the opinion that others hold about us always affects us  in some way.

One of the biggest mistakes people often make is believing that their thoughts or values ​​are the absolute truth. If, in addition, they use this reasoning to “classify” or disparage others, the issue becomes even more complex.

We all have a right to defend our opinions, but we must never take them to the point where a personal assessment becomes a judgment for others.

Likewise, we ourselves must be prudent with our opinions; and neither should we allow others’ criticisms and thoughts to affect us too much.

A wolf never abandons a dream because of the sheep’s opinion; because whoever is strong and knows his virtues and strengths is not influenced by the herds.

There is always an opinion that hurts us the most

The opinion that hurts the most and can affect us the most is one that comes from a close and significant person.

Throughout our life cycle, we will have to face many evaluations and value judgments from all those around us and who are part of our innermost social circle.

  • According to some psychologists, the greatest sources of suffering in paternal-filial relationships, and even between couples, are the values ​​or opinions that, at a given moment, that close person exposes.
  • A belief, an opinion. It’s  something that people cling to because they think it’s “true”.
  • When an opinion takes shape and is “cast” to an interlocutor, it often becomes a source of conflict.

These would be some examples:

This type of opinion is what most affects our self-esteem. In reality, the beliefs that people who are unknown or not very close to us do not matter much to us, but things change when there is a bond, a closeness…


I will be able to ensure that your opinion does not violate my self-esteem

Everyone, at one time or another, has had to deal with unlucky comments that someone left out during a family lunch, for example. In order not to create conflict, we usually keep quiet,  pretend and hide our anger, our annoyance.

Every opinion received somehow obliges us to reflect for a moment, and it is appropriate to do so. However, what we should do next is keep the following in mind:

Does this opinion… define you or not?

There is no need to react defensively right away. We must first know how to listen and then calmly analyze this opinion.

It is possible that a friend or family member is saying something that is right but you are not seeing right now.

Please rate the received comment calmly. If you think it’s right, maybe you should accept the opinion and say thank you.

Now, if he doesn’t define it, if that opinion is false and inadequate, what we’ll do is rationalize the comment and avoid a negative emotional reaction like anger, anger, or sadness.

If opinion doesn’t define you, let it go.  Don’t waste time and health on something that doesn’t have to do with you.

wolf image

For silly and empty words, absent ears

What irritates you, what fills you with anger, makes you captive. If in your family you tend to make a lot of value judgments and release harmful opinions; it won’t do you much good to react angrily to defend yourself.

  • You’ll do it again and again, but in reality, it’s worth remembering that those who use bad opinions don’t have the gift of empathy, let alone respect.
  • Therefore, to avoid storing up more negative emotions,  it is best to keep your distance in order to protect your self-esteem and integrity.

It must be clear to us who we are, how much we are worth, what we get and what we deserve. Do not be silent in the face of negative and false opinions that others may give. Refuse to be a victim.

Wolves, for example, are territorial and proud creatures that are very clear about their nature and instinct. They rarely allow themselves to be domesticated, they rarely forget their roots, their strengths.

Nature is wise and it is always worth learning from it so that we can also take care of our essence, our identity and self-esteem.

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