Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment For Aesthetics

To relieve muscle pain, don’t hesitate to add a glass of vinegar to your bathtub water and relax in it for 20 minutes.

You won’t want to miss the recipe for this amazing apple cider vinegar treatment!

It is curious to see how sometimes simple resources, which we all have in our hands, are as effective as the most expensive beauty treatments. Apple cider vinegar, for example, proves to be a product as economical as it is efficient that we can use in various aspects of daily life, and why not, of our beauty: for hair, skin, nails … You would like to know more ? Follow this article.

Apple cider vinegar gives us, for example, a much thinner skin, relieves dryness and itching, solves acne… great remedies with a simple and accessible product, whose only inconvenience is, perhaps, the odor.

But, it’s worth a try, after all, many of our cosmetics are based on natural products, and apple cider vinegar is possibly the most traditional product that our ancestors used, for example.

Apple cider vinegar treatment

Remedy to restore your hair’s health

apple cider vinegar for hair

  • Apple cider vinegar has a lot of vitamins, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. All of this makes it more than adequate to restore our hair when it is dry and dull, when dyeing makes it lose its naturalness and when using the dryer, for example, dries it out in such a way that we notice it rough and lifeless. .
  • Treatment : it’s very simple. It takes nothing more than to put a small spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water and then apply it to the hair with a light massage for five minutes. Then rinse them with cold water. If you perform this simple trick every 15 days, you’ll notice the difference.

dandruff medicine

  • Apple cider vinegar also has antifungal properties. What do we mean by that? That allows us to treat health-related aspects of our scalp, such as dandruff and scalp flaking.
  • Treatment : You will only need one container. A small bottle that allows you to more comfortably distribute the liquid we are going to prepare. You have to mix 200 ml of water with the same amount of vinegar, and shake well. Once you’ve washed your hair and it’s still damp, start distributing an amount – whatever you think is convenient – ​​of this mixture over your head, trying to get it to infiltrate your scalp. Then just rinse them.

face care

Balance skin pH with apple cider vinegar

  • It sounds amazing, but apple cider vinegar is one of the best products for facial cleansing. It has properties that can balance the skin’s pH, cleaning it in depth. It’s a natural astringent, and what’s even better, it gives us glow and a really young, healthy look.
  • Apple cider vinegar treatment : Take 100 ml of water and the same amount of vinegar. Mix well and leave this mixture in a container in the refrigerator so that it stays always fresh. Moisten cotton with this tonic and clean your face with it. It is important that you apply this solution after washing your face with soap (suitable for skin).  Once you’ve treated your skin with this apple cider vinegar-based remedy, simply apply your usual moisturizer and a good sunscreen, or just the latter. Your skin will look healthy and truly beautiful.

Apple cider vinegar treatments for skin blemishes

Treat skin blemishes with apple cider vinegar

  • This is a very old remedy that helps us to smooth out skin blemishes. They may not disappear completely, but you will be able to soften them, especially those that appear suddenly because of the sun or the passage of time.
  • Apple cider vinegar treatment: you will need apple cider vinegar and onion vinegar . These two astringent compositions are ideal for these cases. For this you must get the juice of an onion, you can use a blender and go beating to get all the juice you need. Then mix this content with half a small glass of apple cider vinegar. Mix well, and with the help of a cotton, apply this tonic where you have the stains. Let it act for twenty minutes, then wash your face thoroughly. It is important that during this period you do not expose yourself to the sun. If you do it every day for 15 days, little by little you will see the spots lighter and toned down.

Treatment for itchiness or muscle pain

Treatment for itching with apple cider vinegar

  • Sometimes, whether because of allergies, or because of the nerves, we feel an unbearable itchy sensation all over the body. It may also happen that we feel very tense and have generalized muscle pain that prevents us from resting. Apple cider vinegar can act as a physical and muscle relaxant, a simple resource you can’t miss.
  • Apple cider vinegar treatment:  . First, fill a bathtub with warm water and pour 240 ml of apple cider vinegar into it. Then soak in it for twenty minutes. The calming effect is immediate, a simple remedy for those days when, for whatever reason, you feel restless or sore. Be sure to prove it.

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